Lump in armpit

Hi, I am posting as it is difficult to talk to friends and family about this but I am worried and just wanted to speak with other people who will understand. I found a lump in my left armpit, it’s a bit larger than a pea but only slightly, it does feel hard but does not hurt.

I am also in my early 50’s and post menopause as I had a full hysterectomy last year.


I went to see my GP who said it is a swollen lymp gland and if I still have it in two weeks time she will refer me to the breast clinic, as swollen Lymp glands can also be a sign of infection. Well it’s been 10 days since I saw my GP and the lump is still the same. My left breast has began to ache as well but probably because I keep poking it checking for lumps.


Does anyone else have a lump in the armpit? what was the outcome? Also if it does not go away what should I expect to happen next? Many thanks 


Hi Abz1964, 

Welcome to the forum but I am sorry that you find yourself here. 

I am sure some of our supportive users will be along soon to share their stories and offer a friendly ear. 

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the lump in your armpit and help answer any questions you may have.

Best wishes, 


Hi ,I went to the doctors this morning as I have pain under my armpit just a little lower down and could feel a lump . The doctor examined me and said he could feel the lump and has referred me to the breast clinic as urgent . I should receive a appointment within 2 weeks . I am a little worried it is very painful . Good luck with your test if u want to chat . Kelly