lump in breast, referred for mammogram

Hi all, im looking for a little advice and positive thinking.

I am 28 and just over 2 weeks ago i found a small solid lump in my right breast, it started off like the size of a small garden pea, as the 2 weeks ended it was the size of a pea and not the size of my fingertip width wise circular, my monthly had finished and it was still there so i went to the gps, i was seen by a nurse and she checked me over, she said that she doesnt think it is an infection as there is no swelling, redness, hotness to touch, so has referred me for a mammogram, this was monday and i have letter to say that i have a app next tuesday. On tuesday i started to have a pain next to the lump radiating across to under my underarm, tonight i started to feel a pain under my right breast and examined it again, i got a bit worried and husband confirmed what i felt. I have found another 4 small hard solid lumps around the breast near to the first one, and a tender area around the top area of breast tissue. These lumps feel tender but do not move and are solid. Google as you thinking the worst, can anyone give me any positive advice, i would love to hear that this is just an infection that doesnt have any other symptoms. 

many thanks xx

Hi. I don’t have any advice but wanted you to know I am also 28 going through similar and my appointment is Tuesday too.xx

Good luck for Tuesday x

You too Hun. Xx

Hi ladies it’s a horrible anxious time,seems like forever waiting for these appointments ,torture.The vast majority of referrals to breast clinic are NOT cancer and there are other benign conditions that can cause alarming symptoms.Your GP really can’t tell without the help of ultrasound/mammogram what’s going on inside,they usually refer as a precaution with breast lumps.Let us know how you get on.Jill.

Thanks Gill that’s lovely. Yes let’s hope it’s good outcomes. I’ve already had bloods come back flagged so this is the next step. I have no lump just swellings under my armpit. Can’t find much other than C on Google. Least it’s not long now. Hubby taking me to the cinema tonight to keep my mind off it. Xx

Hard not to think of anything else really.If it is BC good chance it can be successfully treated or controlled for many years.Lots of us on this site fit and healthy and getting on with normal life again after diagnosis and treatment .

Yes I’ve spent hours reading through posts on here and I’m not half as frightened as I was. If it is bad I’m pleased I have this site. Xx

Thank you Jill, it’s very worrying to begin with I was more worried about some other health issues I am having with pelvis and 2 inconclusive smears tests, but again Google is the worst enemy, I look for other possible reasons for the lumps including boils, cysts etc but mine don’t seem to match however breast feels achy and tender main lump is getting bigger but still as solid and can not be moved x

Thanks Eilleen I did lost my own thread but can’t find it now. Lovely to know everyone is so friendly and going through or gone through the same thing. The appearance of my breast has changed a lot since Xmas the lump under my arm is solid and does not move or Hurt but the main breast is heavy and occasionally feels like it’s being pulled inside. I feel I know what’s wrong but I really hope not. Xx

Hi Laura If you put your username in the search box above you will find your thread xx

Thank you Mrs. I think we’re in for a long weekend. Are you at a one stop breast clinic xx

Give yourselves a "Google ban " everyone is different !!

Ladies I second everything Jill has said, my clinic appointment was a year ago tomorrow and I was going through just what you are now but I can tell you although I was diagnosed it was dealt with and I’m here and fine, it’s a hell of a time and I’m not making light of it but it comes and goes and then life carries on and you will find so much support here what ever happens xx Jo 

Good luck with your appointments tomorrow, fingers crossed for you xx

Hi Laura, howe was your appointment today? Mine went well I had 2 scan’s on my breast ( no mammofram) and nothing showed at all, a nurse, surgeon and doctor all felt the lump but nothing showed up during scan, I’m a bit sceptical about it though, there will be no follow ups and if get bigger go back to gp x

I’m not long since home. It is a subacious cyst they scanned it and are happy that’s all it is. They said they could take it out but would rather not as that can cause additional problems. In back in 6 months for them to check it xx

Good news ladies.Mrsr,keep a close eye on your lump if you notice any changes go straight back to G.P and ask to be re-referred.

Great news ladies! Always lovely to hear ?