Lump - is it fibroadenoma?
Lump - is it fibroadenoma? Hello.
This week I found a large lump in one breast. It really frightened me. I saw my GP the next day. After examination she said that it was 5cm x 4cm, which sounds very big to me. Is it? She was not worried at all and said that the chances of getting cancer at 29 are highly unlikely, unless it runs in the family. I was told it’s likely to be a fibroadenoma. I am being referred to a clinic as a precaution, which I was told will take about 3 weeks for an appointment. I’m still really worried. Has anyone had a similar experience? I’d really appreciate some advice.
Thank you.
Hi Jane You might get a skewed view of how many young women develop BC when you read posts this site, but really it is fairly unusual and your lump is more than likely to be innocent. Although I have BC myself, my daughter developed a lump in her breast and I had her to the breast clinic as though she was turbo charged. She had a very mobile lump which was a fibroadenoma-and hopefully that’s all your’s will be too.Your GP has done absoloutley the right thing -though as we all know , the wait is terrible.
Good Luck