I have a lump on the breastbone, right between my boobs, slightly to the left (this is my recon boob)
It just feels like its part of the bone, but should I bother with it, it doesn’t bother me, but I can see it in the mirror. Hubby says to get it checked but its not like the lump I found in the breast.
Phone the breast unit and say you want to see somebody about it, ok it most prob is nothing but at least then you will have peace of mind, which is so much better for you than worrying! I know sometimes we don’t want to look stupid or waste time but at the end of the day this is our life we are worrying about and even if you did get a bit of a reaction when you go up there for it being nothing, which i don’t think you will have, when those nurses go home do you think they even remember or think about you! Put your mind at ease and get yourself up there and have it checked out then you can relax and stop worrying and enjoy things again.
Hope that helps and please let me know how you got on
I have rung my breast care nurse, and I have to go for my nipple tattoo anyway in the next few weeks, so she asked me to talk to the surgoeon at that appointment, which I am happy to do, as I am not unduly worried.