Sorry i will have to put this as a list, as i am confused.
1 Had core biopsy
2 result saw surgeon, micro calcifications and cluster.not enough collected.
3 2nd core biopsy.
4 saw doctor.he said taken out some RUBBISH his words.and that i should have a new procedure that takes a larger sample,because he said no point in surgery if the lump i now have was caused by the biopsies.Said this would be done following week.
5 Did not hear from hospital so rang and spoke to radioligist.
new procedure not available until november.he said even though i have this done, the GOLFBALL size lump still needs to be removed.
6 Saw surgeon again he is very evasive.
all he says is abnormal tissue that needs removing.
having this done on wednesday
ellice - What a terrible time you are having, not knowing what on earth is going on. Have they given you a breast care nurse who you can have a chat with? She should be able to explain your situation. If not, maybe it would help to ring the helpline on this site. Just chatting with someone can be a big help. You will also get enormous help from people on here. Just wait and see!
Good luck for Wednesday and let us know how it goes.
You sound like you are in a panic - and nobody could blame you - not knowing is so so scary…I knew that I had cancer 2 days after biopsy and that was bad enough. Please don’t feel that you are dying because of the size of your lump/tissue the biopsies would have caused all sorts of damage/bruising maybe that is what the surgeon meant by the lump being caused by the biopsies. I felt like my lump had got bigger after the core biopsy and had horrible thoughts just like you - I had to wait 3 weeks for surgery and was sure I was going to die before they got it out - but that is just shock and fear talking. Please ring the helpline as Ann suggests, or contact a BC nurse. Glad that you have not got to wait for the special test and they will remove your lump on Wed and proper testing on it can commence. I am thinking of you and I hope that all goes well for you - let us know how you get on Lynb xxxxxxxxxxxx
When I had the core biopsy, they warned me that the lump may appear to have got bigger, due to swelling, and that I was not to think that it had suddenly grown.
Thanks for your replies,its just the fact that two doctors, and the radioligist,all give you different information.
When i asked about the length of the scar, he went from 3inches,then he said well maybe a bit longer as the lump is deep inside and he needs to look.
Can i ask were you able to put your bra on, the day you left hospital.
Every night i need wine to help me sleep,but still wake up in the night.
Will ring the helpline on monday.
Thanks for the replies
On Wednesday 23rd Sept, I had a WLE and SNB early afternoon and I left hospital at about 8pm, fully clothed - bra and all! I could have stayed overnight but I felt ok and chose to go home the same day.
My scar is much longer than I was expecting. When I was marked up, it was about 4 or 5cms long but it is actually about 9cms. I have yet to get my results, so have not found out why. It’s a bit worrying, although having had an MRI, I would have thought they knew what they were dealing with before surgery.
Perhaps you could try something like Kalms to help you relax and sleep better, or Nitol.
If you want to know if anyone else has diabetes, it might be best to post a thread with that in the title. I think it will get lost otherwise. Good luck, again.
Hi…I’ve just found this site tonight after spending most of the day researching breast cancer on the internet. I went to see my GP on Thursday with my “lump” and am now waiting anxiously to see a specialist at the hospital this Thursday. I’m not sure whether I should be pleased or worried at such a rapid referral???
I havent slept a wink since Thursday. I too have Insulin Dependent Diabetes and you can probably understand the effect of the stress on my diabetic control.
I havent told anyone except my husband…and my GP!! about my lump. I know I could be worrying about nothing…roll on Thursday…its the not knowing that is screwing my head up.
I hope you are managing your diabetes better than me. Good luck with everything. xx
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for support.
I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ which you may like to read before your appointment. If you need any more information or support just ask, there’s plenty of good support here for you.
It is really good that you have such a speedy appointment. I think they have to see you within 2 weeks, anyway. The waiting for any of these results is absolutely excruciating. On the one hand, you want to know, but on the other you don’t, in case it is not what you want to hear. The best thing often is to vent your fears, either on here, where you will get brilliant support, or actually to ring the helpline and speak to an understanding person.
I get the results following my op on Thursday, too. I do so hope they are good for both of us, and Ellice on Wednesday, and anyone else awaiting results. Fingers crossed.
I went to the clinic, had an ultrasound and 2 core biopsies.
Doctor said lump was 34mm!!!..oh my God, I think that was more of a shock than anything. I have got to go back on Monday for the results…
Thanks for the best wishes Ann, Elice hope you’re ok…i sent you a message about the diabetes and stuff…so I thought…just checked my “sent” box and message isnt there. Sorry, I’m sure I will get used to using this site with practice.
Chesterbabe - At least you don’t have to wait too long for the results. I had to wait two weeks. The waiting is absolutely awful. With regards to the measurement, I was told that none of the methods are totally accurate. I was told mine was 1.4cms from the scan, then 2.2cms from the MRI and it was actually 1.9cms in total, after surgery. Sometimes, there are things around it which make it appear bigger, like small cysts.
Try not to make yourself sick with worry - hard I know. You will be able to cope, whatever they find. It is just one step at a time.
My results were good. No node involvement or lympho-vascular invasion (LVI), so no chemo - just radiotherapy and hormone therapy.
Hello ann and chesterbabe.
Have been to faulty towers hospital.
Did not have lump removed, because i am diabetic they had no insulin pumps available. until an hour before the op.
The aneththatist and the surgeon were not happy,as the idea of being in before was to be monitered.
The woman in the next bed went for her op, returned an hour later looking great,all us ladies are thinking great,then she said they had lost her notes and she had just been lying outside theatre for an hour.
The ward is just for six people.and five of us didn’t sleep for this woman snoring,i bet her next door neighbours can hear her,
Good job we were all laughing.
Saga continues
Ann glad you have had good news
Chesterbabe i would say don’t worry but iknow it’s hard.
Let us all know about monday.
Got your pm about diabetes,if you want to know about my diabetes saga i can always pm you
Sorry to hear about your Fawlty Towers experience!!
What a nightmare for you, what happens now?
Is there another hospital you can use or be referred to?
Its hard enough worrying about anaesthetics when you’re not diabetic!!!..the risk of having a hypo whilst your under sedation is quite scary!! I wish you luck xx
Ann good to hear you had some good news xx
I will let you know how things go on Monday, going to keep myself busy over the weekend!!..I feel a bit of retail therapy coming on…lol
Hi Ladies
supossed to return to same place,but the TEAM only meet on wednesday to discuss you.The hospital is a teaching hospital and if i meet another 22year old who has’nt got a clue about diabetes i’ll scream, i know they have to practice,but not on me my hands are agony because they can’t do bloods
Junior Doctors!!!..if you are anythig like me…REFUSE!!!
I’ve spent most of the last 12 months in and out of hospital with my diabetes…
I refused on a number of occasions to let the juniors take my blood or put iv lines in. I have really poor access as it is and the last straw came when a Junior blew two veins whilst trying!!!
I must admit at Chester they have Clinical Practitioners who take bloods and insert iv lines on the wards…they carry a bleep and can be contacted 24 hours a day. They have so much experience they manage to get access without trauma…
Next time, please ask if there is some-one more experienced to take your bloods etc…there’s no harm in asking…I did
Ellice - So sorry you had such a raw deal. It’s work up enough, without them stuffing up. Let us know when you are going in again and, as they say, better luck next time.