Lump under arm while waiting for biopsy results


I am currently waiting for results from a breat biopsy.
I have recently turned 40 and was sent for an early mamogram due to sone family history and received a call back for an ultrasound as something suspicious was found.
When i went in they scanned the lump, then decided that i needed a biospy and a scan of my lymph nodes and the rest if my breast.
At the time i didnt really grasp how serious it could be until i came away and replyed it all in my head and read some fourms.
Im now almost certain i havd cancer.
My porblem is the waiting is literally drivng me insane, i have had to speak to a doctor today to be signed off work and he has prescribed anxiety medication if i need it and diazempam.
My issue now is that i can feel a large lumo under my armpit at the same side they have found the breast lump. Which has now led to a massive meltdwon on my part.
I havent yet been to collect the medication i have been prescribed but with me now finding this lump, do i go and see my doctor to let them inspect or will i just be told to wait to for my results?
I am completely going out of my mind with worry.
I have a young daughter and no parents so they have both passed away. Her father is not involed due to issues with drugs so i am petrfied i am going to keave her alone in this world.


Do you have an appointment through for your results yet? Waiting is the worst but once you have a date at least it is something to work towards.

In the meantime, could you ring the breast clinic and ask to speak to one of the nurses about your underarm lump? Or failing that the BCN nurses have a helpline you could call? Maybe you should pick up your meds too - whatever it takes to help you through, honestly anyone on this forum would agree that the waiting is horrific.

That aside, I just wanted to say that even if the worst comes to the worst and you do get a diagnosis, it doesn’t mean that your life is over. The panic and fear you are feeling is perfectly understandable, but breast cancer treatment is fantastic these days and isn’t the automatic death sentence we used to think it was.

Wishing you the very best of luck :blush:

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Hi Sharlou,

Thank you so much for your reposnse. No i dont have an appointment yet. That’s why i feel so anxious. Im almost certain its cancer which was bad enough but not with this lump under my arm i feel like its going to be the worst possible news.
I honeslty don’t think i can face another week of waiting.
I’m going for my meds soon. Ive never taken anything like this buy they way im feeling now i’d take anything to numb this feeeling.

@worrriedmum I’m sorry you’re going through this. The waiting for results is definitely the worst bit and your mind goes down all sort of dark rabbit holes. Once you get your results, if it is cancer, which is by no means certain, then it seems better once a treatment plan is laid out for you. Remember that nowadays the majority of people do survive this!!

I was the other way round to you - I found a plum sized lump under my arm when I was in the shower and was astonished to be told by the GP that I had a breast lump as well. It was cancer which was in 1 lymph node but hadn’t spread anywhere else.

They will have presumably examined you in the clinic and you mentioned that you had a scan under your arm. This would probably have picked up if there was a biopsy needed of a lymph gland under the arm. I’m wondering if the lump may be bruising or something from the biopsy?

You could phone the breast care nurses at your hospital- did you meet one when you had your biopsy? If not you could still ring the switchboard and ask to be put through to them. Explain about the lump, your fears and say you’ve been given no idea of when you’ll have your results appointment. Also, if you know your consultants name you can phone the hospital switchboard and ask to speak to his/her secretary and ask if they know when the appointment will be.

May I suggest that you take someone to the appointment with you as it’s difficult to take in everything you’re told.

I found a lump in my axilla/underarm on 30th July and went to the gp that day and saw a consultant the next day through my insurance. They told me its 100% cancer again. So then I had to wait for the biopsy results which was hard. The mammogram showed nothing. I got my results 9 days later which was quite fast I think. I also had a CT as I had had cancer before. I felt better once the shock had worn off and I started chemo first as it was HER2. I was literally shaking though until I probably started chemo. I tried to carry on working to try to distract myself although easier said than done. I also asked if she thought it was cancer again and what % she thought it was cancer as I just wanted to know either way. Yours may not be cancer though so until you are told it is then you should try not to worry which I know is not easy.
I have finished chemo now and had a good response and its completely gone now as far as they can tell. I had 10 weeks of Paclitaxel which was stopped early but thats another story. I am now awaiting my op after 24th Feb before 7th March to remove the residual of the cancer and lymph nodes which I’m still looking into as I got a 2nd opinion.
Anyways good luck.

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Thank you so much to you for taking the time to reply.
I have just popped along to collect my medication and asked the receptionist if i could speak to someone regarding the lump under my arm and my concerns.
I’m waiting for a call back now so hoping its just a reaction from the biopsy.
I have honestly never felt stress like this in my life. I wish i cpukd fast forward to results day so i can have a plan.


So after another night of almost no sleep, even wirh medication i cracked and phoned the hospital to see if there is any kind of update.
My results are all in but the hospital wint give me them. The doctor that refered me is on holiday and the nurse that sorts his appointments is off sick.
They suggested i phone my doctor as they can see my results on their screen.
I have phoned and they have confirmed the results are in and sitting with a doctor and i might get a phone call today, at which i broke down and begged them if i come down can i just read them off the screen as my anxiety is now off the charts. So bad im unable to drive.
They have said they will phone me back today as quickly as they can.
So im hoping they can tell me something today. Even if it is bad news(at this point im certain its cancer) i need to know as mentally i cant handle another week like the last one.

@worrriedmum I hope you can see someone today. I will be thinking of you and keeping fingers and toes crossed :kissing_heart::hugs:

Hello worriedmum,

Thanks for posting.

It’s understandable that you are feeling frightened and anxious at the moment. As @sharlou says, many women tell us how anxious they feel whilst waiting for results.

It’s natural that you are concerned about the lump you have now noticed under your arm. As @pat says, the team will have felt under your arm and checked the lymph nodes when doing your ultrasound. They would have taken a biopsy from the lymph nodes if any had looked abnormal. As @pat says, it is most likely that the lump you can feel is a reaction following your breast biopsy. The breast team can check this for you when you attend for your results appointment.

It is good that your GP has been supportive in signing you off work and prescribing medication to help with the anxiety you are feeling. It seems you have got more information since your first post and now know that your results are available. It’s frustrating that there is a delay in getting these from the hospital, but it sounds as though your GP surgery may be able to talk to you about them later today.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, If you have hearing or speech difficulties prefix our number with 18001 and the call will go through Relay UK. Our helpline has access to telephone interpreters if language translation is required.

If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. To do this please complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back.

Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and 9am -1pm on Saturday.

Out of hours you can leave a message and we will call you back when we next open.

Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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