Hi All
New to this site and very very anxious and scared.
Following a lumpectomy in Jan 2009 which was Grade 3. I then had 4 sessions of Dozytazile (sorry spelling awful and I don’t know the abbrevaitions)15 days of radiotherapy and 18 sessions of Herceptin. Now on Letrozole for 5 years.
Just really wanting to know if anyone, nearly 3 years post lumpectomy suffers from intense pain in the breast where the lumpectomy took place?
I have had many ‘‘unscheduled’’ appointments due to pain, at the breast clinic , and my consultants are lovely and reassuring. They tell me pain is good and it’s due to scar tissue and nerve endings recovering.
This helps for a month or so, but with the continous pain in the background, its a constant reminder of my diagnosis.
Anyone had anything similar ?-
Look forward to hearing from all you positive ladies - wish I could be.
Love colliesruleok