Lumpectomy 3 weeks ago

Had a wide excision lumpectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma.
I had neoadjuvent chemotherapy prior to this.
My wound the first two week post operative look really good. Despite axilla seroma and localised swelling to the breast. I’m now four weeks post operative and the last two weeks my breast has developed a lump at the bottom of my breast and all around my wound is Peau d’orange . My question is , is this awful looking breast tissue a result of lymphodema or is this inflammatory breast cancer .
Can any body advise.



Bless you

Well done on coping with treatments so far

In terms of your current problems and symptoms only your team can really tell you with an examination and consultation so please pick up the phone and book an appointment to see them as you maybe fearing the worst and they can diagnose and help

For the dimpling if it is orange peel / peau d’ orange there are lots of helpful massages, bandages, supportive in bra foam and again your breast nurse or team will advise what’s best

Good luck, get on the phone xx


Hi Tina

Totally agree with curlywurly - phone your team (BCN, Chemo nurse specialist) and ask them now. They will want to know. They would want to have a look. And help resolve the issue.
I wouldn’t worry about IBC, definitely more likely something else.
Best to get it checked and resolved asap so you can relax and heal.


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