Lumpectomy 8th December

Hi. New this site after recomendation from breast cancer nurse. Diagnosed 19th November and had sentinel node removal and lumpectomy 8th December. Have an appointment 16th December to discuss results and further treatment. Very sore and swollen at the moment. Gone up at least 2 cups sizes on my left breast. Would welcome posts from anybody with similar circumstances.

hi there I am just a few weeks into where you are at. I had my lumpectomy on the 19th November and 13 lymph nodes removed. Have had my histology report which was very positive although I was dreading it. Every step seems to be a milestone and sometimes you feel isolated and scared. Mine was Grade 1 and had not spread. Am starting rads on the 5th December and am going to be perscribed tamoxofen.

Until I discovered this site I hadnt understood the journey and must admist that, for me, some of it is scary. Just read what applies to you and dont fast forward too much.

I found a good website “Penny Bohn” that sells cancer care products. I have sent for some cream to use whilst having my rads

Have you full usage of your arm where you had the lymph nodes removed? I am lucky that my arm is fine but the numbness and the weird sensation drove me crazy for a while but I have been doing my exercised and it has improved some 50 per cent.

It gets better. Take care xx

Hi I am in the same position as you I had my lumpectomy on the 7th Dec and as yet I am not sure how many nodes they removed. Go for my results on the 14th I am just keeping everything crossed for positive results… I am still sore and swollen also… Keep smiling as I do and lets hope its good news for us both, Take care xx

Goos luck on your results - i ll keep my fingers crossed. I was dreading them and felt more nervuous than i did on my op day. but it was better than i hoped for. wont go into the histology part but dont forget to take that book they gave you and fill it in. the surgeon will give you the Grade, HER2+ etc. and then you can have a look and see when you get home as i wouldnt have been even able to listen even though i took someone with me.

Good luck xx

Thanks for your comments. Have a friend and husband going with me for results, so hopefully one of us will take in the consultants news. It’s just the waiting that can drive you mad. From the first doctors visit, to biopsy, to results, to op date and results again. Just managing to regain use of left arm today…washed my hair…which in itself was a triumph.

It gets easier - i was in agony this time last week with my arm - it felt as though i had a log of prickly holly under my armpit. Now since doing my exercises regularly it has improved a lot. Fingers crossed for you results. Let us know how you get on. Positive thoughts sent to you. xxx

Excercise your arm as much as possible i had a mx in sept and 15 nodes removed still numb down the side of my arm i also have strings (chords)very painfull put your hands together and raise them up 2wards your head good excercise try and keep it moving as much as possible remember no pain no gain good luck

Yes, the post-op period can be both painful and worrying.

Definitely do the exercises, gently if it hurts a lot, and build up. Take any recommended painkillers. I have found that cold packs of one kind and another give at least temporary relief. If you use frozen peas or an ice pack, make sure it is well wrapped, and you can also wrap a wet flannel in a sandwich bag and put it in the fridge until it is cold, which might be a bit gentler. I put nursing pads or the larger cotton pads for removing makeup inside my bra over the incision after the dressings were removed, and I still tuck a hanky (never used on a nose) or a scarf under my arm, since some seams irritate my skin. Rest. You may find a half-lying position eases the weight of a heavy breast, or fold your arm underneath to take some of the weight.

You should be checked for signs of inflammation at your appointment, so don’t feel you have to be brave and say it’s ok if it isn’t. If you are swollen in the area of the lymph nodes, the BCN might drain it for you.

I hope the results are good for you (and for Kazza).


I’m two and a half years from my WLE/node clearance and the area
is still slightly numb. The exercises are so important. Just keep on doing them even if you find them easy. I had full movement back almost straightaway although the area felt ‘strange’ for a long time.

It’s a really stressful time for you but you will be OK. The waiting is the worst part.

I was exactly where you are and here I am coming up to 3 years post dx. It will get better. You will get your life back.

Mal x

Thanks for all the helpful tips…especially about the exercises. Only read about these haven’t actually been given any specific advice from nurse but will ask tomorrow (results day). Have discovered the hard way about sleeping positions…manage to fall asleep in bed horizontal then find myself waking an hour or two later in agony then have to resort to sleeping on the sofa where i am much more comfy. Just gratful i am not waking at 6.30 for work at the mo!

if they don’t give you any excercises, there are a DVD and leaflet on this site if you look under publications and they will send them to you without charge
I found a cushion helped to take some of the weight and then I could sleep. I managed to sleep on tummy yesterday for the first time (oh joy!)

Thanks for the help on the exercise dvd Gwendolyn and congrats for the tummy sleeping…isn’t if funny how little things bring you joy amongst all the angst and worry!

I’m surprised you haven’t been given an exercise leaflet at the very least. A physio visited me whilst I was waiting for surgery and rattled on about exercises - I felt inclined to strangle her at the time because I was a gittery bag of nerves waiting to go under the knife for the first time in my life!

Having said that… it is wise to do the stretches. I’m three years post surgery and have good movement in my arm (had all nodes removed) although my underarm is still numb. That doesn’t cause any problems - it’s simply a fact.

Good luck with your future treatment.


Just a quick update after my results at outpatients…cancer all removed and nodes clear. Have got a haematoma which needs re-checked on tuesday but all in all very good news. Awaiting HER2 results to find out if chemo, alongside radiotheraphy/tamoxifen is required but feeling positive at this stage. Thanks to you all for help and best wishes…keep you posted! x

It’s great that you got your results so quickly, well some of them anyway. Best of luck for the rest of them, but fab that your margins and nodes are both clear. I hope I get the same good stuff when it’s my turn.


Hey Ladies sorry I havent posted for a while but have not been feeling great and shut myself away from this for a while… Its lovely to read all the positive comments though… I went for my results last week to be told that I was grade 3 and so now the dreaded Chemo… OMG how scary is that??? I was convinced i would only need radio but i should have realised this by going on my first thoughts of the lump!!!
I have my first visit with the ong on Thursday and find out when chemo will start… I would appreciate anyones comments and experiences of Chemo as i am really scared…
Best wishes to you all
K xx

Hi K,
I am so sorry to know your treatment is going to be more than just the Radiotherapy you thought it would be. I had the same back in May,I was expecting just Rads, but the Oncologist said I should have Chemo first, as my lump was also grade 3. It IS scary, because you wonder how it will affect you, and that’s natural, but not everyone gets all the side effects you read about, and it’s worth remembering that you’ve seen lots of positive posts. For myself my bloods weren’t brilliant and it wasn’t easy, but I did not EVER have nausea or sickness!! We are all different. Now, it seems like a somewhat distant memory, and you will be at this stage one day, believe it or not.My kindest thoughts go out to you,

Thanyou for your encouraging words Heather and i have certainly taken onboard your comment. I go and see my ong on Thursday so fingers crossed they will tell me the side affects that will go with the chemo. I just hope that as you say it will soon be a distant memory.
Kind regards and take care of yourself
Karen xx

Hi Karen,
Yes, I am sure your Oncologist will speak to you about side effects and I’m equally sure will tell you it doesn’t mean you will automatically get them. Good luck for Thursday, I know how you are feeling, and it really DOES get better, just hang on in there.x
Kindest regards,