Feeling nervous with my operation this week. I have button down pjs and a v pillow just in case, but is there anything else I need? Or any tips for prep/recovery.
I’m lucky enough to have never been in hospital before so this is all new and stressful with that and the bc diagnoses.
Feeling overwhelmed
I had the same operation as you last August.
I had also never experienced surgery or anaesthetic before and was incredibly nervous but all went very well.
Definitely take something with you to read and if you can download things to watch/listen to as well on a phone. There was quite a lot of waiting around for me, that was probably the worst part.
You will be given painkillers but only a few days worth so stock up on paracetamol before hand so you’ve got them at home.
You might have a drain fitted, I didn’t so can’t advise but others might able to.
Even without a drain I only had to have my wound drained by the nurse once about a week after the operation. Please phone your breast care nurses if you need this doing or support with anything.
A soft bra is a must and also cotton knickers to wear for surgery as I was told I could only keep my knickers on if they were cotton.
Get some ready meals in or get someone to cook for you.
In the end I actually enjoyed the nice sleep, the recovery nurse said I told her to go away when then tried to wake me up afterwards!
I had the same last March yes I was nervous, but it all went really well, so well I was eating an egg butty followed by a small ice cream 3 hours after surgery.
I was a little sick when in the recovery room but as soon as I told the recovery nurse she gave me something ASAP and I was fine, as you can see it did not stop me eating
I stayed in overnight, met a lovely lady (Margaret) who was in the bed next to me - we have stayed in touch and since met up.
I took an overnight bag, but to be honest outside slippers and dressing gown I used nothing from it. I slept in the gown I went for surgery in I used some wet wipes in the morning for the rest I just slept so a lot of what I took was not needed, but knowing it was there in case I needed it gave me comfort.
Everyone was so lovely, I remember waking up at some am and one of the nurses showing me a photo of her cat on her phone.
I did have a drain put it but again it was never a problem once I got used to carrying it around with me.
Lots of good wishes remember you are in safe hands I truly could not believe it was all over surgery wise when I came round - seemed to go in a flash.
Hi I had a small heart shape cushion a friend had bought for me and this was great to help support arm particularly on journey home in the car to stop seatbelt resting on my boob where op had been.
You might also find lip-salve useful as lips were really dry when I woke up after surgery.
And take plenty to entertain, you never know how long the wait is going to be. Good Luck hope all goes well for you.