Lumpectomy OR mastectomy? Grade 3 IDC ER+ 8/8 PR+ 6/8 HER2+

I was diagnosed two months ago, two days before my 33rd birthday, with grade 3 IDC ER+ 8/8 PR+ 6/8 HER2+, also two abnormal lymph nodes but thankfully it has not spread further.

Due to the size of the tumour and given my age, I am undergoing 6 rounds of chemo first (currently halfway through) followed by surgery and radio. Originally, my surgeon said it is likely I will need a full mastectomy, however as the chemo is working amazingly and the tumour has shrunk considerably, they are now offering me either a lumpectomy or mastectomy, basically the choice is mine. I wish the decision was taken out of my hands and I’m struggling to come to a decision. I think I am leaning towards the mastectomy and reconstruction but is this a bit extreme? As I’m positive for pretty much everything, in my head would this be peace of mind that the cancer is less likely to return?

I will also be on tamoxifen for 10 years, can the cancer still return while on tamoxifen?

Is there anyone else that has been in a similar situation? Any advice would really help. x

Hi Pink
In terms of success in surgery, I don’t think there is any difference between mx or lumpectomy. As long as they get clear margins. I chose lumpectomy because I wanted to keep my breast and look relatively the same afterwards. However, a year on, I do still have anxieties that it will return. The choice is entirely yours, I’m afraid. It’s whatever you are comfortable with.
Best wishes xx

Hi Pink ,very difficult decision.Obviously a mastectomy is a much bigger operation but if it gives you peace of mind .Im sure I’ve read somewhere however that the outcomes are very similar in terms of future prognosis to lumpectomy. Yes you can get a re-occurrence on Tamoxifen ,there is research being done about why and who Tamoxifen is most likely to help as they think it may be more beneficial to some than others .You could ask these questions in the ask the nurses section ?

Hi Pink
While I was waiting for my biopsy results in March I made up my mind if it was anything bad I’d have a mastectomy. As it happens I didn’t have a choice due to the size of the cancer but at present without a reconstruction it’s horrendous. So really if you have a choice keep your breast.

Hi Pink, I couldn’t think of anything other than an mx when I was told I had BC. Just wanted it OUT! My Onco said research shows no difference in survival rates between WLE and mx. In the end I had WLE. My Mr. Blobby was 23mm and grade three, so I was always going to have chemo and rads. The plastic surgeon did a great job and as I have big boobs she was able to do a bit of lift and tuck and they both now match. Never did before!!?. It’s a very personal decision, but just adding my experience into the mix. Good luck. X

Hi there. This is my first post so I’ll probably be useless but I was diagnosed yesterday with grade 3 IDC like you and I decided quite quickly to have the double mastectomy with reconstruction. my breast nurse was wonderful when i asked whether it sounded like a radical response. she said it’s about 50/50 opting for lumpectomy or mastectomy when given the choice so that made me feel better! my rationale…maybe somewhat strange- was that I’d rather have a good matching re- built pair with less future worry of recurrence. its such a big decision. All I would advise is that you do lots of reading/ forums. when do you have to make your decision by?

Chasanddave there is no such thing as a useless post. Everything is either looking for help or helpful and your post is very helpful :slight_smile:

Hi all thanks for your replies. I need to decide by next week as if I go with lumpectomy they need to send me to another hospital two hours away to have a tracker fitted by a specialist MRI biopsy machine as my tumour doesn’t show up as acurately on standard imaging. Most people have surgery first and then chemo but for me it’s the other way round. If they did surgery first there is no question they would have removed the breast so in my mind why should it be different the other way round and also if they were 100% happy with doing a lumpectomy why are they even offering me a mastectomy.

I have one daughter who is 18 months and it’s unlikely we will be able to have anymore. The thought of going through this again fills me with dread. I am waiting on gene testing to see if I am a carrier, if I am I may ask to have both done.

Thanks again for all your replies. I think deep down I have made my decision but I’m going to call the BC nurse to talk it over with her first. It doesn’t help that either way I will need radiotherapy and possibly the implant re-done as the radio can destroy them. It seems they are pumping me with absolutely everything!! May be a silly question but can the cancer definitely not come back after a mastectomy??

Susie very brave of you to go for the mastectomy without reconstruction but good for you and sounds like you are doing really well.

It still feels like I have such a long road ahead, I only went back to work in January after maternity leave, went back for 4 months and was diagnosed. Don’t even realise the things we take for granted :frowning: