Lumps in both breasts after another examination today...

i finally got to see a GP today for referral to the breast clinic. During a VERY thorough examination, the dr found more lumps, in my left breast this time. (I had one in my right last week)…
in a way, finding them in my left breast too has made me calmer (?) I’m now thinking cysts. I guess I will see. The breast clinic called me a few hours later and I have been booked in for the morning of Wednesday next week!

Hi Mum2fiveli,
I’m glad you now have your appointment. Don’t be alarmed by the speed of response by the clinic, you will have been referred as an urgent case, as we all are, and NHS guidelines dictate that you be seen within 10 working days. You will know by the end of your appointment on Wednesday whether the consultants are concerned or not. The waiting is the worst, whether waiting for appointments or results, but keep busy (as if you are not with 5 to care for!!) and try to do things you enjoy. I found chocolate figured a lot!
Let us know how you get on,
Best wishes, MM xx

Just wanted to wish you luck for Wednesday, and hope it is good news.
Sending big hugs and best wishes.
Poemsgalore xx

Just wanted to say good luck for your appointment on Wednesday, and hoping that they tell you they are cysts. But whatever the outcome, you will find plenty of support on these forums.