Hi everyone,
Has anyone got sub cutaneous bony skull mets. I have about five of then one one my hair line and four on the back of my head. They have been CT scanned and they don’t look as bad as they feel. The oncs say they are won’t cause any problems and they won’t grow into the brain or the meninges. They are a bit painful but not terrible. Apparently, they can be treated by radiotherapy. They are totally weird things.
Love Waffles xxx
I had 2 lumps on my head - but only one showed up on bone scan - one of the lumps 9the one that didn’t show up) was a subcutaneous cyst which has since been removed by my GP - biopsy showed no cancer cells in it. The other lump is still there and shows as a skull met on the scan but doesn’t bother me too much - I insisted on a brain scan as I was concerned but that came back all clear. The lump on my skull doesn’t bother me too much, the one I had removed on the other hand was huge and was getting painful.
Hi Dragoncarine,
The lump on my hairline is like a goose egg and is really big but painless, however, the ones on the back of my head are a bit sorer. Good to hear that I am not the only one with this as I suspected I might be. I must say though, my oncs weren’t too bothered by them even before they were scanned.
Love Waffles xxx
I had one in the front middle in hairline I wanted it out but onc said no. He said that a neurosurgeon would refuse to operate on it being too dangerous. Over the course of 6months it got bigger and bigger until I insisted on op. It had got so big I had to have a 12 hour op where the part of my skull affected was removed and replaced by a titanium plate. I also had skin grafts too cause it had grown into the skin. Anyway it went great and I felt great for 2 months then got ill being sick and headaches. Turns out it had penitrated the brain. Had a course of rads on it. Annoyed I didn’t insist on 2nd opinion from Neuro surgeon sooner.