
Hi all

Has anyone else having trouble with Lumps… I have got a few on my head and one on the bone where my eyebrow is. I am taking tamoxifen. The first one was on my head and the doctors said it was a cyst but I have four more now and two of these ones feel sore I feel stupid going to the doc’s again as it was only a week ago I went. Am I being paranoid.

No you are not being paranoid and neither should you feel stupid going to the doctors - if you are getting more lumps and bumps go back and tell him they are multiplying and causing your pain.

Good luck and I hope you manage to get them sorted out soon.

Hi Bubbly,

Please do get this checked out. You are not being stupid - you would be if you left it. It could be a reaction to either tamoxifen or something you’ve eaten. Never feel silly about going to the docs don’t forget they get paid and you pay your taxes for the services!

Hope you get them sorted soon.


Hi bubbly

If you would like to talk through your concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the BCC helpline. Here you can share your fears and concerns with one of the trained members of staff who can offer you a listening ear as well as support and advice. The number is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.

I hope this helps

Best wishes


thank you for all your support the lumps seem to be going down now and are not sore anymore, I am going to the oncologist on friday so I will talk to him about it.