Hi ladies…have been feeling a bit snuffly last 3 days but not got a cold although been coughing quite a bit . …and voice been getting gradually hoarser since thursday. Well around 7pm last night my voice just completely went! Started coming out as a squeak here and there and within half an hour had gone almost completely! Still the same today. No matter how hard i try no sound appears! Still have the cough too. Could it be laryngitis?
Should i ring out of hours doc (well not me personally as they wont hear me!) Or maybe 24/7 chemo line ? I’m assuming its just an infection. Had second docetaxel a week friday. Bev xxx
There’s so many bugs going around, expect it’s one of those in circulation Bev. I lost my voice completely a couple of years ago, it’s quite scary isn’t it, would hot cups of honey help, I remember drinking lots. Hope this doesn’t put out your chemo or plans around it. Perhaps ring the chemo line? Take care, you weren’t shouting at Strictly or X Factor were you? X
Haha thanks belinda…no. no shouting involved! Although felt like shouting at jake a few times! He hasnt danced as well as on previous nights for couple of weeks now.
Think I’ll make some honey and lemon drink now.
My 3rd chemo is day after boxing day so plenty of time yet. Thanks for the advice xxxxx
Bev, hopefully you’ve just got some horrible bug - your description sounds like me last weekend but I can speak again now. If you’re not sure you can you get someone to ring hospital to check just for peace of mind. Take care LD x
So…saw gp today. I have 2 different infections. One viral upper resp tract affecting voice and the other is lower down in chest, nastier, causing the wheezing and growling! Had 500mg antibiotics and an inhaler so hopefully will be feeling better in few days.
Keep warm ladies and look after yourselves. Bev xxxx
Bev - i had same thing. Had chest infection about month ago and voice hoarse about 3 weeks. Still there a bit but not as bad as before x