lung mets

have been told that there was a patch on my lung when I had my last scan and am just hgetting over a nasty chest infection. I am going to have a camara put down into my lung to see what is going really worried about this.have any of you had this done,as i am rearly worried


Mel - sorry to hear your news. I had a bronchoscopy about 15 months ago and it was absolutely fine. They spray your throat or ideally your nose with an anaesthetic which to me smelt of banana liquer and then gave me some sedation so i was very happy in a little dream world of my own. I never felt a thing and the sedation wore off quickly and i was make to normal in about an hour. Can’t drink for about 2 hours after and a few hoours beforehand as well which was a nuisance. No pain though.
They had to put the camera throughm my mouth as my nose is too small.
Hope all goes well.

I hate to admit it but I am scared.My blood count is to low and and still trying to get over this chest infection,so will not have chemo tomorrow.They rang me today but they also said that the oncologist still wants to keep the appointment as they have the results of the bronchoscopy. All I was told was that it was not good. suppose when I think about it think I know what they are trying to tell me but think I have been shutting myself off and not listening to what they are trying to say.I am just so frightened about what is happening. Where will this all end. first its BC then just as I think that is all over I am told it has spread and I have liver secondary, now I think they are saying I have secondarys in my lung, as one patch they saw at last scan is now several on an xray. I dont know where to turn or what to do.I am trying to put a brave face on it but feel I am being eaten away and I cant seem to stop this thing destroying my life and body . There is Christmas coming up and I am trying to keep everything together,but keep thinking this could be my last one.I will finish this now as starting to get a bit morbid.
thanks for listening


Hi Mel
sorry to read this post and keeping fingers crossed the news will not be as bad as you are thinking.
I too have those feelings this will be my last Christmas I hope I am wrong but the way my condition is compared to this time last year you have to ask how much more our bodies can take. I dont think the time of year helps so lets just hope and pray we can all get through it and come out the other side.
Good luck.

Love Debsxxx

so sorry to read how scared you are at the moment - I know how you feel because I am scared too and have the same thoughts as you - its horrible - i will be thinking of you tomorrow - take care . love jayne x

Hi ther,
so sorry to see your post, i had bronchoscopy too, and it helped to identify clearly i was secondary breast cancer, had EC chemo and recovering well now. i felt scared too as was clear for 15 years, but I hope you soon recover from the infection and get onto chemo asap.
from xrays my chemo has reduced the growths on my lungs, which has to be positive, am now on 3 monthly checks and arimidex, I wish you all the best. I’m feeling good now I know what is going on. Good luck

Hi Mel

I too had the news today that I have a patch on my lung and was wondering what they planned to do with it. I was only told that they will discuss it on friday and then meet with me on tuesday.
They say they need to see if it’s a secondary or a primary.
So I’m with you, very worried and needing to get some answers.

Good luck to you, I will be watching out for how you’re getting on.

Avril x