hi me again i am trying to learn a lot about this monster we all have and i find the best way is through this site as you get real peoples opinions and experiences. i would like to know what it means if my lymph glands are infected. is it serious and what treatment do you have many thanks again
Dear Jal
You may find our resource pack helpful to read as it has been designed for anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, it contains information to help you to better understand your diagnosis with information about lymph node involvement and the treatments available. You can order a copy via the following link:
I hope this is of some help to you.
Best wishes
Breast Cancer Care
Hi Jal7777,
I think you may have several differing postings to this thread as we all have different experiences of Lymph node involvement.
Some people will have had a varying number of nodes involved. I can only give you my experience and limited knowledge, ( I purposely don’t want too much knowledge as it complicates things).
When first dx’d I had a lumpectomy and 8 lymph nodes cleared, one of which was involved. I was worried that this meant that my cancer had spread. I was told that it was unlikely as it was only one.This was followed by chemo and rads because I had a high grade cancer. A year later I felt another lump in my armpit and was given surgery for a total clearance of the lymph nodes. Again only one cancerous one was found.
I am told that recurrences like this are called ‘regional’ rather that ‘local’. I still worry that it has spread but I am still undergoing further treatment. I had an MRI which did not find any spread at this time so this is where I bounce between positive and negative days. But hey today has been great!
Remember we are all different do not scare yourself by taking too much info in at anyone time.
Hi Jal
I think Carol has summed it up nicely, everyone is different, I had no node involvment and I worry like hell hence the bone and ultra sound I am having, you can read loads and worry, but because we are all different it might not apply to you…
takecare Love Pam X
Hi Carol
Thanks for your post I think it has helped me put things into perspective, sometimes the doctors seem to be a bit secret, I wonder if they just get sick of explaining things over and over, which I dont blame them, even though I have been through chemo and rads I too bounce back and forth like a ping pong ball, but you have made me feel much more at ease.
Lots of Love
Pam x
Hi Pam
You’re welcome, its good to know when a thread is started we can all reach out to more than one person. I have just posted on the Chit Chat and Fun thread, there are a few quotes from a book on Hope that you may find interesting.
If it helps I too had a bone scan because of pains I felt, things were clear. I truly hope the same will be for you.
Take care.
Thanks Carol for your support, will check out chit chat…