lymph nodde involement

I have lymph node involvement in my neck chest and i have it secs in my lungs, does anyone else get pain in the neck and chest. if so does any of the chemo eliviate this pain or is still the old painkillers.

Hi Zena,

I have lymph nodes with cancer in my chest and neck and yes I get pain…the worse is deferred nerve pain in my shoulder, but the tumours also hurt a bit now in my neck. Pain is well controlled on a low dose of slow release morphine, amitryptiline and occasional top up with oramorph. I get really good advice on pain relief from hospice nurse…I don’t suffer in silence.

My neck tumours have also ddamaged the nerve in my voice box…I lost my voice almost completely for 2 months…now restored to half capacity after minor op. Damage also caused to my eye nerve causing a droopy eye. I have bad lymphoedema in arm and hand too.

I’m currently on weekly taxol but it isn’t making much differnece to tumours (by clinical exam…will probably have CT scan in a couple of weeks after 9 weekly taxols.)

best wishes


I have droopy eye too, Jane, due to menynges involvemenetn - about to undergo radio for this as is being a nightmre!
