Lymph node clearance-Scared!!

New to forum. Diagnosed May 22. 18 mm lump grade 2 ER/PR+ HER2- Right side mx & chemo completed. US showed no node involvement but after surgery/SLNB 3/3 sentinal nodes positive. Having clearance on Friday. Terrified how many more going to be positive and effect on outcome. CT scan in August showed no spread. Onco said taking 5 weeks for results…will have radiotherapy 8 weeks after clearance. Had positive mindset through mx and chemo but now very anxious and all positivity seems to have disappeared. Seriously considering anti-depressants as feel I cant cope much longer. Onco said I may feel better once surgery done but waiting 5 weeks for results and also starting letrozole after op think I will be a mess. Any reassurance?? 

Hi I’ve no experience of this . I know what it’s like to feel scared. It sounds like it might be a precaution since they are sending you straight to radiation . Did you do chemo before surgery ?