Lymph node in breast

Hi ladies, I haven’t been on here for a while, but am always grateful for your responses when I do? I was diagnosed with DCIS in 2005 in left breast had mastectomy and recon. Had primary diagnosis in right breast in 2010 and had a lumpectomy and rads. A couple of month ago I could feel a hardening around the scar on my right breast and made an appt with my consultant, following a conversation with breast nurse. An ultrasound detected a small lymph node in that breast (not where the the scar is). The radiologist nor my consultant were concerned, but suggested a follow up ultrasound, which I had 3 weeks ago. Again they were not concerned but I will see my consultant for my routine check at the end of November.  I just wondered if any one else had a similar experience? I’ve looked on the web and it appears that they can change and should be monitored, so now I’m worried! 

Look forward to hearing your thoughts…


Hi Molly. I don’t know enough to advise but none of us are qualified on here I doubt. I would phone your consultants secretary and tell her you want to see him/her before November and explain why. Hope that helps. sending love Lorna x