Lymph node or fatty tissue?

I’m 2 weeks into my first chemo, following MX and removal of all lymphy nodes. I now have a small lump in my affected arm which is either fatty tisse or a lymph node. I have to wait until tomorrow to speak to my consultant but the wait is driving me mad. Anyone else had a small lump like this?

Yes I did and it was biopsied and was positive BUT the chemo soon got rid of it and it has now gone.

I know it’s hard but try not to worry you are having the best treatment.

Viv x

Thanks Viv! I try not to worry, but it is easy to become paranoid. I’m new to all this (only dx in October). Do you know which type of test it would have shown up on?

Lynne x

The new lump was biopsied using fine needle aspiration. I was due to have 4 x FEC then 4x Tax but I had only had 2 FEC when new lump found so they transferred me straight on to the TAx for the rest of the chemo treatment.
