Im new to this forum and a week ago had a double mastectomy for lobular cancer. I had the results yesterday and they now tell me that one side was lobular and the lymph node was ok but the other side was ductular and the lymph node was affected.
Therefore I had 2 different types growing independently
They have given me the option of having the lymph nodes on that side removed giving me a 40% chance of developing lymphoedema
Has anyone else had this surgery?
My thoughts are to have the surgery
Thank you
Hi Nicola, when I had biopsies done, pre surgery, 2 of 3 lymph nodes showed signs of cancer. It was explained to me that the lymph nodes are your knights in shining armour. They are the defence of the body . However , mine were positive and I was advised to have them removed, which I did - all of them. I think Lymphodemia is preferable to the cancer spreading. The scar is under the arm, and although uncomfortable, far more than the lumpectomy, it is very neat. I am doing all my exercises religiously, and fingers crossed everything will be ok. For me it was no contest. I am Grade 3, ductal ER+. The tumour was 2cms.
You say ’ the lymph node’ - not sure what this means as there are loads in there. Is it the Sentinal, or is it just one affected? Has your consultant advised you on a preferred pathway , and left the final decision to you?When I was discussing pathways I got hold of my consultants hand and asked him which route he would advise his mum. I felt I got an honest answer and went with that.
Goid luck with your decision. X
Hi thanks for the reply yes they just took the sentinal node and my thoughts are that if they have given me the choice to remove all the nodes then that would be the thing to do otherwise they wouldn’t mention
Just another hurdle we were hoping my not to have
Hi Nicola
I had a full auxiliary node clearance at the same time as a mastectomy as a couple had showed up as ‘thickened’ on a MRI. I had 26 nodes removed and 2 were cancerous, which isn’t too bad. I recovered very well after surgery. I have a bit of tightness now at extreme range of movement that I’m trying to work through but otherwise all is well. Worth if for peace of mind. Good luck to you with your decision.
I had a double mastectmony on 15th December, invasive lobular and then after the mri scan they discovered a completely different cancer in the left boob. ductular. They said it was unique so was surprised we had the same.
Lucky though my lymph nodes were clear but if they hadnt been would have had the surgery, its just not worth the risk.
Have you had reconstruction yet ?
Hi I have invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2 stage 3 with 2 sentinal lymph node cancerous had level 1 and 2 cleared not sure if they took more but now have to wait for them to send my tumour sample from lymph nodes to america for testing to see if I need chemo before radiation and hormone therapy so another 2-3 week wait has anyone else had this done, confused whhy its gone to america,
Hi Welshlady66 i had a lumpectomy on the 5th Apr and my tumour has also been sent to America (California I think) this is so that it can go through the oncotype dx testing. There is some good info on this website about it. There are certain factors that they have to consider to decide if this testing is used or not. I may be wrong but think they only do for hormone positive and early stage. Do you know when you will get your results? I have an app on the 27th Apr so think I will find out then. Hoping for a low score and therefore only rads but will see. Good luck with your results. Lou xx