
Hi, I had a diep flap last July, I didn’t need chemo but I had radiotherapy. I still am suffering with lymphedema, pain and swelling under my arm and in one side of my new breast. The lymphedema nurses have been extremely supportive, but as usual too many patients. I have a comfiwave compression bandage I wear at night and I did buy the recommended bra from Lymphshop. I also buy other bras that look like they could help. I would like to talk to someone who also is going or has been through this. It can get me a little down but I am very aware how lucky I am.

Hi , you might find some others to share their experiences in this section

Hi ,just seen your post and thought I’d reply.  I have mild lymphedema in my right arm from  breast cancer I had a  lumpectomy and  all lympth nodes were  removed  from under my right arm during  surgery.

It is hard to cope with at times ,I can’t lift anything heavy anymore, and it’s hard as you know once you have it you have it for life.  I also broke both my wrists a few years before my cancer diognosees,and my right wrist badly, broke it in four places  it was set wrong  and is a few mm out if alignment, and so I have not much strength in my right hand at all. I do fee for  you as it does change your life in what yiu you can’t do now what used to be easy to do, isn’t anymore.  But In time you just have to accept it is what it is, and learn your limitations and don’t push yourself to try to do things you no longer can’t do. Otherwise if you do push yourself your lymphedema will swell up,and become even more deliberating than it was,and it’s just not worth it it really isn’t. I do exercises and rub cream into my arm hand to help it everyday.  I am sensing you a virtual hug ? ,