I finished radiotherapy 10 months ago and had a lumpectomy with 2 lymph nodes removed. Ive since developed Lymphodeama in my boob. Its for life Ive been told, cant be drained so is swollen and full of fluid all the time. I have big boobs so it doesnt really show but its always incomfortable, I have special brushing exercises to do, the NHS have provided me with two compression bras which help the flow of the fluid too, but I keep getting infections which could lead to cellulitis. Im so fed up with it all as Ive been almost entirely on anti biotics for months now. The Dr’s keep trying different ones…
Has anyone else experienced this and how do you cope? any tips please?
I am similar timescale to you. I finished rads 12 months ago. I have lymphodema in my hand, lower and upper arm and my breast. The lymphodema nurse just measures my arm every six months and prescibes a sleeve. Nothing else is offered to me on the NHS. I am having manual lymphatic drainage by a specialist nurse (first six sessions paid for by a charity) and this helps and I also use kinesio tape to help with the flow on my breast. She has also asked me to order a “cellulite suction cup” and is going to show me how to use it. Fortunately I am not getting any infections. There is a lymphodema section on the “going through threatment” thread and a lady on there talks about being referred to a specialist at the Marsden hospital
5 months after I finished rads I had a very bad bout of cellulitis in breast and was put on different antibiotics for 3 months, in the end as it was not clearing completely up was refered to hospital in the may. I had a mammogram and ultra sound again then went into see consultant, he said it was also a side effect from the 15 rads and 5 boosters I had . I am now 16 months since rads finished and still have pain in breast heaviness and it feels hot to the touch. I find wearing bras sports or normal rub breast so when I get home after work I remove bra and the redness starts to subside. I was told 10 in every 100 women who had breast cancer will suffer with cellulitis or some form of radiation after effect in the breast.
I personally try not to let it get me down but still experience bad days from time to time. I was not given any special exercise tips or advice how to help it subside.
it is looking a lot better now than last may so maybe the nurse was right when she said it would be when I go for my 2nd mammogram this may.
Hope this helps you a little to know you are not alone