Lymphoedema and diabetes...

Haven’t been on here for quite a while. Had WLE December 2002, followed by chemo and rads. Have been in remission since then and still cancer free (until they tell me otherwise).

Last month I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I have lymphoedema in my right arm. Is there anyone else out there who has lymphoedema and diabetes? I know I’m not meant to get needle sticks or blood pressure checks using right arm, but I have been using the fingers on my right hand for checking my blood glucose levels and I’m not sure if I should be doing this… the problem is that if I only use my left hand I’m limiting my options…

Can anyone advise me?


Hi Karina

I don’t have diabetes, but I do have lymphoedema.

I don’t know if there are other ladies on here with both, but I do know that there are some with diabetes and an ‘at risk’ arm, which is basically the same problem.

You shouldn’t use the fingers on your right hand for checking blood glucose levels, because a break in the skin there poses just as much of a threat one on your arm itself. (I’m just getting over my first ever attack of cellulitis and it looks like the bacteria got in through a damaged fingernail).

But as you say, it does limit your options. It sounds like your lymphoedema nurse and diabetic nurse need to talk to each other and come up with some suggestions for other parts of your bod that might work for you.

Perhaps some other ladies with diabetes could post and let you know how they manage things?



Thanks for that! I’ll ask my doctor when I see her next week - as you suggest, better safe than sorry!!


Hi, I dont have lymphoedema but I have been diabetic Type 1 for 24 years. I had a wle and then mx in 1999 and my right arm/hand has always been a no go area. I believe you can get a m/c (blood monitor) that you can use on forearm and other places rather than finger tips, check it out with diabetes nurse/doctor. Good luck