Just wanted to have a quick rant! I have found an insurance company who have covered me for single trip holiday insurance since my diagnosis 4 years ago. They add a small supplement because of the BC but not too bad. However, I have recently been diagnosed with lymphoedema and thought I’d better declare it when buying insurance for a 6 day break in Barcelona. The price went up from £15 to £50! I had been looking forward to the 5 year post diagnosis landmark when my insurance would go down but looks like I’m now lumbered with a high premium for ever more!
Rant over!
Hi Hattie
Insurance companies must be getting more clued up (or just finding extra ways to charge us more!) - I always used to declare my lymphoedema, but very often it wasn’t on ‘the list’ and so they didn’t bother loading the premium at all. Seems like they’ve wised up to a nice little earner there.
Have a lovely trip just the same!
Hi Hattie,
Which insurance company do you use?
I’ve used miaonline and they were great!
Alli x
I use a small company in Northern Ireland called Tag Direct, principally because they covered the BC for single trips with not too much extra cost. Think I need to ring round a bit more before I buy my next lot of insurance! shall try miaonline - thanks for the tip Alli.
It sounds to me as though the insurance company are trying to make a quick buck because it’s ridiculous to load a premium just because of lymphoedema.
I have been with Mia for a few years now and lymphoedema is the least of my concerns (have mets to spine and liver) and they don’t load your premium because of this nor the fact that I’m on chemo.
Hope this helps.