Lymphoedema website

Hi there,

I just came across a new website about lymphoedema called step up speak out

It’s U.S. based and seems to have been founded by members of a site similar to this one over there. Hope this will be of help to anyone who needs it…I’m off to have a good look at it now!..



Hi Lomalinda

I found it yesterday, too!

I’ve had a quick look at it yesterday and I think it’s already excellent, even tho’ it’s not quite finished.

There is already good information on there about where to get better/nicer/more comfortable sleeves and tips about flying.

I think I will add this website to the ‘Want more info’ thread, too.



Hi Bahons,

I was thinking about you when I posted! I’m just doing research about prevention & I’m already feeling overwhelmed. Anyway, glad that you have endorsed the site as you are our resident expert!

Take care,
