Mods please feel free to move this into the appropriate area, I looked for a similar subject but can’t find one:smileyhappy:
A quick recap. I was diagnosed last September with invasive hormone sensitive cancer in my breast and lymphnodes, I was given a choice of lumpectomy or a mastectomy. After talking to the breast care nurses I opted for the lumpectomy because as they said you can always take more away but you can’t put it back and I wouldn’t be able to have reconstructive surgery.
The op went fine, the tumor was removed plus all the lymphnodes, they did more tests on the tumor because I was border line for chemo however it was decided to go with radiotherapy. Unfortunately the RT was delayed because I developed an infection in the breast and was put on Co-Amoxiclav. Before the 3rd week of RT I developed another internal infection and my skin split where the RT was being directed. All told I’ve had 5 infections in the breast, a lyphodema which was drained, a seroma which was drained and last week had to see the consultant again due to infection and hard lumps in my breast.
I was in a lot of pain, I sleep on my left side and each morning when I sat up in bed I had to stay still and could feel the fluid drain down into the bottom of my breast it really hurt. I couldn’t bear any contact with anything and the lumps were getting bigger. He decided to send me for an ultrasound to see what’s is occurring and to see if they need to operate again. More antibiotics, I’ve been on them now for almost 5 weeks straight.
I had the ultrasound this morning, he was concerned with the hard lumps, there was a lot of fluid which he has drained off and there was a blood clot in the breast which he drained also. They have sent samples of both the blood clot and the fluid to be checked, I will get the results next Tuesday when I see the consultant again. They did use a local anesthetic but now it’s worn off its really painful but I know it will settle in time.
I wondered if anyone could put my mind at rest is a blood clot normal in this situation, when will things get back to normal, it’s 6mths since my op, am I expecting to much. The dr who did the scan this morning said the seroma will probably come back again. I have another week of antibiotics. I often wonder would I have been better off having the mastectomy, I have had other health problems for a long time but this is something else, I’ve never felt so exhausted along with feeling queezy and dizzy, one minute fine then it’s as if I hit a brick wall.
I must say here though that through all my journey the hospital staff both at my local and Weston Park have been great I can’t fault them. Also just to lighten the mood a little so you see I haven’t totally lost my sense of humour, I have always hated anyone apart from hubby seeing me without clothes but since day one I have flashed my boobs at more people than I have in the previous 65yrs! It just doesn’t phase me at all now lol. Not a great sight for page 3 though.
I apologise for the long post.