Lymphovascular Invasion

Hi all

I have now finished chemo and will start Tamoxifen next week. I revisited my pathology report yesterday. God knows why! On looking at it, it states there was lymphovascular invasion. I had obviously overlooked this at the meeting to discuss results and it was never mentioned. I have double checked this with my husband and he also agrees it was never talked about. On looking online at this forum and others it appears quite a few people had invasion and were not told and only found out on re-reading pathology report.
Anyway I’ve now got myself in a bit of a state as I’ve googled (naughty) it and obviously it’s better not to have the invasion! My husband keeps telling me that because the surgeon/Oncologist didn’t mention it then they can’t be overly concerned, but I don’t know what to think.
Any ideas? I did have one sentinel node positive and then full node clearance with the rest negative and the doctors seem to focus on this saying it’s positive news.
Sarah xx

Hi Sarah

It’s so horrible finding nasty surprises isn’t it? I haven’t yet looked at my official pathology report - got myself in a state looking at the diagnosis letter sent to the GP that mentioned margins, size and grade of DCIS and tumour, etc.

I do know that the sites that work out your prognosis and determine need for chemo, etc, like NHS Predict, don’t mention vascular invasion and therefore can’t think it makes that much difference??

Hi Jo

I know. I wish I hadn’t looked now! Seems you take a step forward and then 2 back sometimes. I’ve left a message for the nurse to call me back and hopefully they can offer some explanation as I can’t get it out of my mind now.

Hi Sarah. Did you have chemo before or after your op?

Hi Strudel

I had chemo after surgery. I’ve spoken to the nurse this afternoon and she’s put my mind at rest and basically said other factors are more important with regards to my prognosis hence why they didn’t mention it/glossed over it.
I feel slightly better now! Next step is wait for Genetics results, but that’s a whole different story! X

Thanks everyone for all the replies. I feel a lot better now and calmness has resumed!