
sorry to post again. for anyone who knows her i just thought it’d update you on lynn. she’s not so great today and they’ve kept her in HDU as she had some low blood results and had to have a transfusion but are hoping she will be ok tomorrow. x

Sorry to hear that. Please pass on my best wishes to her and hopr she starts to feel better soon and gets out of HDU soon.

Thanks for letting us know Sarah. Please wish Lynn well from all the staff on the forums.


interactive Services Manager

Sarah, thanks for update, give her a big hug from me if she is up to it.


thinking and praying for you.

Oh poor lynn. Please give her my love from sam of the gobby gang


Lots of love Lyn, have sent text when ur up to reading it. Sorry couldnt make it in to visit but not sure ud be up to seeing us anyway. Hope to hear from you soon. lots of love again trace. x