M and S

Hi folks,

Got three beautiful bra’s from M and S yesterday. A new range. They have large pockets in for either side prosthesis but are also suitable for folks like me who now have odd sized boobs as they cover a larger area of the breast and also allow for fillets. As the summer is on its way I’m wondering what I can wear but these make more fitted tops sit ok. All three are in very soft cotton, are not underwired but sit like an underwired bra and were about £12 each
They also do a swim costume with Post-Op pockets but I couldn’t find them (easily confused)
Both come with forms to claim back your VAT at the cashdesk

Best wishes to all


Interesting! Just been into my local M&S (Norwich) to complain at lack of choice! They have had nothing in my size since Dec 07! All sizes were large (42 F being the most popular) but nothing at all for 34 chest (in any cup size!) I ordered some online in the end and when they came they were huge! Ordered my usual size (34DD) but I could have got my head in the cups! Took them back today and the staff agreed they looked too big for a 34DD. Also asked them about lack of sizes and their argument was that most ladies who’ve had mastectomies have large chests!! They did say they would feed my thoughts back to the suppliers!
Anyone found this???

Hi all,
I am a 32DD bilateral mastectomy and wearing two breast prosthesis, I have been campaigning for better lingerie for women who have had surgery, and I am never giving up on this, until we have a wide range of styles to fit all womens sizes.
Not sure if you read previous posts some time ago, (2006/2007). I was in discussions with M&S head office to get the post surgery ranges, fit for all womens shape and sizes including the various styles of prosthesis, and surgery.

it was ok to start with , but then last year it became frustrating for me on getting more styles in colours and feminine ranges. I have been disappointed on their ranges so far, as I still cannot get my prosthesis to fit into the pockets, or it doesnt sit flat against the chest wall. so once again started to contact them again. The ranges not being available in certain sizes, but most important making it easier to find bras in your store or being able to order them into your local store. This has been a let down due to the ranges not being available. even on line, and then the range was discontinued.

However M&S reassure me that we should hopefully be back on track at getting ranges for us. I did however advise them that it is frustrating and upsetting that it should come to making complaints before they start to listen to us,. They have assured me that this wont be the case, now that I have said that I will help again, but this time they have to listen to all of the comments good or bad, and make the bad ones into good ones.

However, we now need ladies that are happy to do wearer trials for their post surgery ranges, and if anyone is interested on helping let me know.

The feedback is important on these post surgery bras, as this is the way we can get them to create bras that fit us and we can get from our local stores too. The swimwear is also available post surgery.



My local M & S said that they could order me multiple sizes of several bra,s so i could try them with no obligation to buy any which i thought was great.

I would also be interested in doing trials for them i had right mast and am 34 D and want nice bra,s and sports bra,s as i have horses to ride and don,t want them falling out( false boob ).


Mandy x

Hi Puppydog1
I would be more than interested in wearer trials. I also swim everyday and would like to see far more costumes available too. My local John Lewis only had ones that had a skirt attached to them!!! When I asked why, I was told that most ladies in need of such costumes are large!! I replied that it was my boob that been removed not anything lower down that would need covering up!!
Another gripe is getting matching thongs etc! Again, only seem to cater for large/older people and while this is important, they must recognise that this does happen to smaller, younger women too!!
Keep in touch!

Hi Nina

I also managed to get hold of some of these new bras from M & S and they are lovely, its so nice to wear something a little more feminine and even a bit sexy. I treated myself to two sets the black one and the dark pink one. Just a little gripe though I have been wearing the full support bras from M & S, you know the ones with the huge shoulder straps - when I bought this new range I had to go up one size, when I measured them against the full support bras they do come up a lot smaller !!!

So be aware ladies if you manage to find an M & S store that carries this range - make sure you try them on, I think you will find they are only available in the bigger stores - they have definately got them in the Milton Keynes branch of Marks and Spencer - go on girls treat yourself


Hi puppydog1
Have sent a PM to Moderator with my email address and have asked her to pass onto you. presume they will do this?
I am a 34DD and the Norwich store have never had any mastectomy bras in my size (since December). It would be good to be involved in this trial in order to improve the range of underwear offered to other ladies with this vile disease.
I feel bad enough about my body without having to clad it in underwear that looks as if it came out of the ark with Noah!! LOL!

Wow! What a campaign-good for you!
I have not heard back from the moderator so don’t know if they’ve picked up my PM to them?
The other gripe I have is the models that companies use to advertise their underwear. I spoke to the women who work in Nicola Jane in London about it (all their underwear is modelled by gorgeous young girls with perfect figures and very obviously 2 boobs-clevage and all!!). They said they had received a lot of comments regarding this.

I am going to go back into M&S this week to see if they have anything at all in the 34 range. I shall try their Total Support bras too as these were recommended by staff. I’m not sure what their new range is called that others on this site have mentioned?

Continued good luck to you-hope we can communicate via email soon if moderators pick up my message and act upon it.

Love Gill x

I know we can’t generalise, but logic says to ignorant old me that those with larger breasts are “maybe” able to have WLE as there is more tissue to “go at” and that whatever the size of the tumour, if you have smaller breasts then you have no choice but a mastectomy. Or am I missing something? probably…DURRRR.

Louise x

All I can say is that although I have large breasts (34DD) I had to have a mastectomy as I had 2 tumours in the same breast-nothing to do with their size. My surgeon did say that a lot of it depends on how much breast would be left following removal of tumour/s and margins.
Does this help?
Love Gill x

Ah yes that makes sense,I suppose it is easier to have a WLE if “just” one mass found,

Louise x

Hi Puppydog1
Still no response from moderator-have they PM’d my email address to you? Can’t understand why they’ve not replied, even if to say they can’t pass email address on?
Where do we go from here?
Love Gill x

Hi Puppydog1 again
Had a response to say I’ll get a response by Monday the latest! Watch this space!!
Gill x