Macmillan video - The benefits of being active

Hi everyone

I’d like to share a link to Macmillan’s short video on the benefits of exercise during and after cancer treatment in which I took part. (I’m Heather from Muswell Hill wearing the dodgy fleece!). I was diagnosed with liver and bone mets in September 2008 and am currently doing well 3 1/2 years on with no disease progression.


Hi Heather thanks for posting. Great to see you are doing so well really good news is great to read. I think the physio/exercise specialist in your clip is the same lady who does the exercise video available from BCC with the ‘Moving on’ pack. It really helps to get back into, or start some exercise after the gruelling treatments we have been through.Thanks J xx

Thank you for posting this Heather. As Libby says, Anna Campbell is the lady in the Moving On pack DVD; all the exercises are tried and tested on women in the Glasgow area!! I was lucky enough to be able to join a class called Active ABC (After Breast Cancer) in Glasgow alas the funding ran out last year. The good news is now there are MacMillan sponsored twelve week cancer rehab classes at various venues (sports centres and hopsitals) in/around Glasgow. I think the funding is for three years, but I know the instructors are working hard to get NHS recongition so that it becomes long term funded. Anyone in Glasgow area please take advantage of this!

Hi Heather,

Thanks for this. An interesting video giving a very important message. I have been quite lazy over the last few weeks post mastectomy. The weather hasn’t helped! I love walking though and I know that I need to get back into the swing of daily walks. This has fired me up. I am about to go out, waterproof at the ready!! Thanks for the push!!

Verity x

Just did a bit of checking… the classes in Glasgow are now called CanMove and are held as follows:

Drumchapel Pool Wedneday 13:00
Easterhouse Pool Friday 12:00
Kelvin Hall Saturday 10:00
Springburn Monday 10:30

There used to be one at Bellahouston but it seems to have vanished.

Also there may still be M-Brace classes at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley

Definitely worth trying.

Other things I’m aware of elsewhere are fly-fishing groups and nordic walking groups aimed at post-BC women. Maybe some other people can post what’s in their area?

thanks for this post Heather. I keep postponing and negleting my exercise but I know I shouldn’t… The video is very encouraging!