Made a Mistake Blood Pressure

Hello - not sure this is the best place to post. I did something so stupid last week. 5 weeks post WLE and SNB I was feeling joining the gym to do stepping and walking would be good. Induction involved blood pressure and did it on affected arm. Spoke to BCN and told low risk. Now totally paranoid. No swelling but getting tingling that I think may be nerves mending and not to do with any possible lymphodema. I started tam this week too and both hands are constantly cold. I can’t stop worrying that after starting to feel better I’m now paranoid about lymphodema. Sorry to all those who have it and have had much worse treatment than me but any reassurance would be appreciated. I have no swelling. Thanks for reading.

Hi Trying to be positive

Understand your concern, but I’d be inclined to trust your BCN and put it down to experience unless anything untoward occurs. If you just had the sentinel  node out that will put you at a lower risk than if you’d had more out I would think. I shared your concern last year, having had the SNB myself, and I invested in all sorts of antispetic wipes for if I got an insect bite or rose thorn scratch after all the info I was given about avoiding lymphoedema, and even got a green wristband from the lympheodema society to wear on the surgery side arm when driving in case I had an accident and was unconscious when anyone tried to do a blood pressure!!! :smileyhappy: Paranoid or what?

I’m less paranoid now and I just avoid using that arm for flu jabs and blood pressure as a matter of course. I think it is natural to be hyper-aware so soon after surgery but you will revert to everyday carefulness in due course. All the best for your ongoing recovery - sounds like you are doing really well, being back in the gym.xxxx



Thanks so much for your reply Optimissy64. I really need it yesterday. Being slightly over obsessed with the risks. Saw GP today re sick cert and he reiterated that I need to move on from it and put it down to experience. I’m starting to realise getting back to normal will be a much longer journey than I bargained for and obstacles will come up for a good long while. Thanks for sharing your experience- it really helped me xx

I just want to say well done Optimissy64 - sounds like you have massive resilience. It’s not surprising that you might look back over that year and have a slump! However well you cope all that fear and sadness has to go somewhere. I’m going for counselling because I know those feelings are there. I don’t let them out much as I have 2 kids and a brave face but I don’t want to carry these feelings into my future. I will think of you at my one year and try to be prepared. Best of luck with all the ups and downs.