Maggies Centres

I am recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I awaited to start chemotherapy.
I have this whole thing very overwhelming and stressful to say the least.
On my visit back to the lymphedema clinic for my checkup, I popped into the Maggies centre next to the breast care department.
I walked through the doors thinking that this is a big step. I was greeted with an offer of a cuppa and a biscuit. Once I had taken my coat off and sat down the manager of the centre came over to me to introduce herself.
We went through to a quieter area of the centre where just one little word started the tears rolling down my face.
This has been the best thing for me, it is nice to talk to someone who is impartial to everything but can listen to you, any decision that you have to make you are not pressurised to making the choice. As this lady Sarah said to me what ever my decision was it was the right decision.
I saw her two days ago and I feel a little more at ease with my treatment due to start in a couple of weeks.
I have also seen what other therapies they do, from relaxation to make up lessons to a little bit of gardening. I will definitely be back to try a few things out.
They are not just for now but also for after your treatment has finished.
Sometimes your relatives need to have a break to and they can go and have chats.

Hi I also used my local Maggie’s centre, they were great. I undertook a mindfulness course there, which was really helpful, I would certainly recommend it.
For me, the hardest bit was after the treatment finished and the expectation of everyone that I would get back to normal.
Best wishes to you, this site will give you lots of support x