Magnesium Suppliments Tamoxifin and Herceptin

Hi, not sure if anyone else has suffered or are suffering with terrible leg cramps…

I am, what with the cramps, the hot sweats, buzzing ears, constant thirst, non stop peeing how are we supposed to get a good nights sleep.

I went to bed for 7 hours and got up 11 times in this 7 hours with one of the above…

Anyway my Onc put me on Magnesium supplements, I started to take them today and wondered if anyone else is on them or tried them…

Thanks, a very tired Teresa x

Hi Teresa,

For a long time I have suffered with appalling leg, feet & hand cramps. So bad my feet & hands will lock up and the cramp will go on as long as 15mins. I tried magnesium supplements and they helped a little but what I have found the greatest success with, and accidentally, was amitriptyline at 25mgs a night. It takes I think a couple of weeks to become effective and also solved the night peeing!!! It may be worth talking to your onc about it.


Hi Teresa

I did take magnesium supplements years ago (advised by a nutritionist) 2x 150mg a day. I stopped for a while but have recently started again after reading up about magnesium. I read it takes quite a while to build up the the correct level as a lot of it isnt absorbed. The book said as long as 2 years! I’ve just started reading about taking it transdermally and have bought some magnesium oil which is a super saturated solution in water so not really an oil although it feels like it. It supposed to be faster tissue absorption and takes up to 6 weeks to get the optimal levels.

I’ll let you know how I go on.


Hi Thanks for your replies, I to have been checking up on magnesium, I think reading the positives of it we should all take it !

Love Teresa x

I also suffer from leg cramps,mine is a side effect of Tamoxifen.
Will get it twice on the same leg and soon if i am rid of this the other leg start to cramp,this is so sore i could not walked.So two day`s after this cramps,my hip and buttock starts to pain.What helped for me i take Magnesium&Zinc tabs with Plenish K salt tabs and vitamin D3 tabs and eat a lot of bananas.