magnets and hotflushes

Hi there
Im really new to this forum and wondered if any of the ladies out there have had any luck with magnets? Have been wearing mine for 3 weeks now with no noticeable signs of improvement. Now off to see a herbalist (still wearing magnet !!!) in the hope he can- or maybe anyone out there can recommend anything. Just come off tamoxifen, had a hysterectomy 3 years ago,due to type of breast cancer unable to take anything to do with hormones. Any suggestions???

Hello suzido

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June, moderator

hello suzido… one suggestion … DONT WEAR THE MAGNETIC BRACELET… i got one cost a fortune… and if you read the instructions, they are not suitable to wear if you have had cancer… so mine is in the draw xxx angie

Hi Suzido

I can only tell you what worked for me. Lots of people recommend Evening Primrose Oil, I understand that the ingredient we are looking for is GLA and it is a higher % in Starflower Oil. I take a highish dose once a day and my hot flushes are now minimal. However I was warned, and it did bear out, that it takes a few weeks to have any effect.

Good Luck


Some people have had great success with acupuncture so might be worth a try. (I’m a bit of a cynic and haven’t tried it, but nothing to stop you doing so.)

If they’re really bothering you, your GP should be able to prescribe some very low dose anti-depressants which don’t work as anti-d’s at that dosage but can work wonders for hot flushes. There are several, so if one doesn’t work for you, you could try a different one.

despite my needle problem, I am a fan of acupuncture. Even my doctor is surprised how well I have recovered. I have my fingers crossed for no side effects from the rads. (but then if i dont get any is it the acupuncture or the fact that i am one of the lucky ones that does not get them?)
and then when i start the tomaxefin we are going to work on avoiding side effects from that.

But you need an accredited practitioner, not just someone who knows a bit about where to stick the needles in. Some hospitals provide it free of charge

NICE guidelines say not to use magnets

Last on this list
Tibolone is not recommended for women with menopausal symptoms who have breast cancer.

Progestogens are not recommended for women with menopausal symptoms who have breast cancer.

Soy (isoflavone) is not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.

Red clover is not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.

Black cohosh is not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.

Vitamin E is not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.

Magnetic devices are not recommended for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women with breast cancer.

I emailed the NICE list above to my Onc several months ago and he said “the jury’s still out on this one” and there’s no proof either way. He advised me to stop wearing it for 2 weeks to see what happened, my itching returned so I started to use it again and the itching went.

It’s all rather unknown I think!

hi everyone
thanks for all your comments and helpful advice- there is a wealth of pros and cons to these magnets and I suppose ultimately its down to personal experience- so i will continue wearing it and let you know. Had a fascinating conversation with the herbalist who advised me to detox my liver as a starting point to tackle hot flushes. What he said really made sense, if anyone else wants more details i would be happy to share them.

Magnets have no proven health benefits and any salesperson who says they do is likely to be taken to task by the Advertising Standards Authority - and have been! The magnetic force in these magnets is likely to be very weak (try it through some layers of paper and see what happens) and anyway there is nothing in your body blood which is ferromagnetic…it’s not the same type of iron in a paperclip or your fridge door. You couldn’t go in an MRI scanner if there was.

Neither is there any evidence that the so-called detox treatments can reduce hot flushes. Herbal medicines are drugs and should be used with care - you can never really know what you are taking or how much, and there have been cases of serious poisoning involving herbal products.

Sorry to be negative - I am on Femara and know it is tough at times. All I can say is that my nights have improved no end since buying a 1 tog duvet!

all best


Hot flushes while taking Femara - I have thrown out the memory foam mattress, take the Femara at bedtime, sleep with a Chillow to hand, and best of all take a VERY small dose of Venlafaxine every morning. Half a 35mg tab. All ideas suggested by my breast clinic and GP prescribed venlafaxine even tho’ he was a bit doubtful - BUT IT WORKS. Hot flushes now infrequent, not even every day, and more of a bit of a glow, and hardly ever at night. Hope this helps.