
Does anyone have any experience of this product - is it safe for people who have had BC to use and does it really work.

There is very good evidence that tiny electrical and magnetic fields affect healing to an enormous degree. After all, my local hospital pioneered the healing of recalcitrant bone fractures using such mystical devices! One of the champions of Magnopulse certainly seems to be well qualified in both medicine and pharmacology, and if I had the money, the Chiron Clinic would be one of my first poirts of call.

Electricity is involved in getting the healing process going when wounds occur. Research on the effect of electricity on healing has a long pedigree and was well established many years ago, but as it did not follow the standard medical paradigm it was starved of funds until it could not continue. A great pity.

There are other devices out there which work on delivering tiny pulse of electricity - I use one from time to time. It should be used after a good detox, and it is important how it is used. Dr Hulda Clark avocated a similar device. Electricity and magnetism are inextricably linked.

Of course, all this could be magic. On the other hand, it could be something we don’t fully understand as yet, but can still use with benefit. The science is certainly there. You could read The Body Electric by Dr Becker… There is plenty of research to look at.

As for does it really work - that is a difficult one isn’t it. If you do all these things and the cancer does not come back, then you are just lucky, or you had an exceptional surgeon, or you had a non-invasive breast cancer, or the chemo must have worked. If it comes back, then the strange device obviously didn’t work so you were a fool to put your trust in it / waste your money aren’t they charlatans!

Read all you can about it and go for it, is my advice. Don’t forget also about getting plenty of sunshine, large doses of vitamin D3, omega-3’s and GLA, a vegan diet, no salt, and plenty of rest.

All the best scientists keep an open mind. I hope it is successful for you, but will we ever know? :wink: