I had a lump in February this year, after a mammogram and scan my specialist told myself and husband not to worry abvout it. It was 99.99 percent certain to be a blocked duct but he would see us again in 3 months to check on me (it felt like agrain of rice ayt this point
Monday 3rd July 2007 we went for a follow up and he said he thought it had grown, and there was now a browny red discharge when he squeezed it. he booked me in for surgery the following (Thursday 12th July) and removed the Major Duct, I think, I’m still in a bit of a daze!
I’m waiting for results, have a half moon scar under my left breast - It seems like the longest 2 weeks in my life
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I had this back in 2001 - it was benign and not on the same breast as my bc.
Hopefully you will have the all clear too. Good luck
Sharon x
Thanks for getting back to me Sharon, you must all think I’m nuts! You’re going through so much, with breast cancer and I’m probably worrying over nothing,
I am a strong person and been through a lot in the l;ast six years. (wheelchair bound now) but this really scared me more than any of the rst of the condition I already have!
Thanks for your message
Cath x
Just about to try and get some sleep, can’t believe it/ts a week tomorrow since the op! Hopefully I will get my results on Friday, the waiting is killing me. One minute I think, it’s definitely okay, the next I think What if it’s not
It.s driving me nuts. Just readng some of your comments and writing this helps
ps roll on Friday morning