Male partner with breast cancer


My partner who is 39 years old has a large tumour in his right breast. He first noticed the lump 6 years ago when we first met and had a dose of tamox…(unsure of the name of the tablet but he reacted well with it). He went to the dr on Friday and has found that the tumour has grown considerably since his last ultrasound 12 months ago. The dr examined his lymph nodes and said he didnt think it had spread. He is booked in today to get an ultrasound/MRI/biopsy and the dr wants him to obviously get it removed (mascetamy). I am so scared and I dont think I can handle waiting for the results. We have two very young boys and I know its something I have to watch for with them when they are older (his mother passed away with b/c and his sister has had a mascetamy). I just needed to post something as I need to talk, I am so so scared as I dont want to lose him.

Hi Keitha

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, I’m sure you will soon receive some replies of support and advice from the other users. Whilst you are waiting for their response you might find it helpful to read the BCC booklet ‘in it together’. This has been specifically designed for partners of those diagnosed with breast cancer. We also have a booklet especially for men with breast cancer. If you would like to read these booklets or order a copy just go to the links below:-*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/15/*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/79/

If you would like to talk with someone we also have a helpline where you can share your concerns with a trained member of staff who will offer you emotional support as well as information if required. The number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open 9 to 5 weekdays and 9 to 2 Saturday.

I hope this helpful.

Best wishes Sam, Facilitator

Hi, So sorry you have found the need to join our forum.
The worst time is the waiting, unfortunately over the next few weeks the chances are this is what you will have to do.

All I can say if your husband DX is not good, the treatment is doable, there are many ladies and Men on this forum who will come along and tell you the same…

The waiting for results really is the worst, somehow when you know what your up against it’s easier to deal with.

The biopsy doesn’t hurt but is uncomfortable, not a nice feeling. but again doable.

My advice, try not to look ahead take each day as it comes, keep smiling and laughing…

There is also a forum on here especially designed for Men, Although your husband hasn’t been DX i’m sure you will find some of there threads helpful.

Good luck and keep us posted…

Love Teresa xxx

Thank you so much - I have great news. My partner had the scan and it wasnt a tumour but a condition called Gynaecomatsia (fatty tissue) - apparently it mimicks b/c symptoms. It was such a scare seeing as he did have a growth 6 years ago and was treated. Thank you all for your kind words and support and all the best. It is great to see the support out there and the support for men who are diagnosed with b/c, thank you xxx

Hi Keitha,

Really glad to hear it was good news, and that you found this site useful.

Best wishes
Jo, Facilitator

BRILLIANT, So nice to hear good news… xxx

Fantastic news, must be a great relief for you both.