Malignant Brachial Plexopathy

Hi everyone,

I’m new to the forum so still trying to find my way round! 

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. I had a left breast mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. All went well and I made a good recovery. Then in 2019 I started getting pains in my left shoulder, then scapula winging. It took over a year to finally be diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, with a malignant tumour in my brachial plexus. I am in the care of the Churchill hospital in Oxford and have had MRI, CT and PET scans. I’m taking Letrozole and Palbociclib, both of which I am tolerating well. I also take 2.5ml oral Morphine solution to help me get a pain free night’s sleep.

Surgery is out of the question as the tumour is tangled up in the nerves, and I had my full quota of radiotherapy first time around.

The pain, tingling, numbness and sudden sharp stabbing pains are difficult to deal with, as is the Lymphoedema I was also diagnosed with. The swelling and pain make it difficult to do everyday tasks. The movement and strength in my left arm has deteriorated quite severely in the last month. My arm hangs uselessly by my side. If I use my right hand to lift my left arm I can use it, but I can’t carry anything as it just flops down again!! And my fingers are so numb it’s difficult to feel and hold things. 

I was shown some physio exercises but they have become more difficult to do, due to the loss of strength and movement.

It’s frustrating not being able to do the things I used to love…cycling, canoeing, swimming, walking longish distances. I have bought an arm sling to help alleviate some of the aching in my arm and shoulder if I do venture out for a walk, but I’ve usually had enough after about 20 minutes.

Anyway, I was wondering how many others are having similar problems and how do you cope? Are there treatments available or support braces or anything similar to help?

Thank you

Hi Angie , so sorry you are having such a miserable time .You could maybe also post in the secondary section of the forum and maybe join the secondary private group . I will post you the links .Jill x

I ahve a very simiar journey to Angie with my secondary cancer.
I am looking for advice anyone can offer.
I use a sling for long periods of the day and as it is my right dominant hand have lots of problems doing every day tasks.

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Welcome to the forum @vikinggirl . It may be worth you also posting in the Treatments and medical issues section of the forum to get some advice and support .

I had radiation for breast cancer about 15 years ago. I have done well except for very difficult lymphedema in my left arm. About 5 years ago I started to lose functioning in my left arm. At first it was not bad but now I have no ability to use my left arm or hand. I have had physical therapy and use a brace when I walk but it is difficult. Anyone else dealing with this?