Mammo and U/S

I felt a lump a month ago! Why didn’t I check it out then? Got the nerve up to make the appt and yesterday the Radiologist said this lump in irregular and deep in the tissue. I was stuck and wanted to reach for the tissue but said to myself “You’re ok”. I have been a wreck since yesterday. Scheduled for biopsy in 2 weeks which is forever. How can I stay busy? How do I take my mind off of this and put it someplace else? 

Hi @Tei  

Sorry you are in this situation, but glad you joined this group as it has some amazing supportive members.
i totally understand how you feel, I was in a similar situation to you in 2021 and thankfully biopsy was benign, which the majority are so please try to hold on to that thought ( I know how hard it is to).

I am still being checked every 6 months for multiple “probably benign” masses, the waiting around for appointments and results is the absolute worst. 
One thing I will suggest, is stay off Google as hard as it is and just post in here when you are having a bad day or a freak out.
While I was waiting to have my biopsy and in turn waiting for my results, I made loads of plans to keep me busy/distracted as much as possible, try to do things that masks you happy and relax. It’s so hard to not think about it of course, but try to keep as busy as you can and it will help keep your mind off it some of the time.

Sending you big hugs.