Mammogram pain

Hi everyone,

I want to share a recent experience that I had with anyone who might go through the same thing. I want to start by reassuring everyone that ongoing pain following mammogram is normal and it will get better.

I had surgery and radiotherapy in 2022 and am on tamoxifen. I have developed mild lymphoedema and fibrosis in my breast. I have had times where the pain in my breast flares up really badly for a few weeks and have been told that this is normal and a side effect of lymphoedema or fibrosis.

I have just had my second annual mammogram check up. I had expected it to be incredibly painful at the time and then to ease quickly after the mammogram finished. Unfortunately this was not the case. It was painful at the time, then an hour or 2 after the pain and swelling increased. I had to take it easy for a few days, kept doing the stretches and going for short walks to keep myself active.

Nearly a week later I was feeling a lot better and I tried to do a 10 minute zumba workout at home. 2 minutes in, I had to stop as the paid was horrendous. I am lucky that my partner is very supportive and has been doing most of the things round the house so that I can rest up again. I got very upset and was a bit angry. I was also really worried that the mammogram has done some more damage, maybe from one of the core biopsies that I had before my surgery.

Now 3 days after that the pain and swelling is easing again. I am trying not to do too much until it is better, but I find this difficult. I have the day off today and I am going to do some mindful activities such as colouring, a jigsaw and going along to the community garden that I volunteer at (will probably only have tea with everyone as I’ll be no good in the garden today).

Although the title and content of this message might seem depressing, I want to write it to reassure anyone in the same situation, that pain following the mammogram seems to be normal and it will ease with time and a bit or rest/tlc.

If this helps anyone, that’s great. I think it would have helped me to see a topic like this, just to know that it is normal.

Take care everyone,
Katie x


Hi katie_s,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience from your last mamagram. My heart goes out to you.
I too have odema and fibrosis of the breast, from two lumpecomies and radiotherapy back in 2021. My last visit to see breast consultant back in oct of last year advised me to use ibuprofen gel several days leading up to mamagram and a day or two after if experience any pain or discomfort. I did remember in dec and it appeared to work as in the inital squoshing of breasts wasnt painful as previously experienced, might be worth a try for next time. Sending gentle hugs to you


Hi Purplerose,

Thanks for replying. I will definitely try the ibuprofen gel next time. This is why this forum is so good.

Katie x


I will rememebr this when I have my 1st mamo post treatment . I have mild edema of the breast. It seems to get a bit worse and then calm down. Thanks.



I have got my first annual mammogram next week and my letter says no deodorant or perfume. Was just wondering whether the ibuprofen might affect the images, how long before did you use it for if you don’t mind me asking

Thank you

Hi chillout365,

Ive always used deodorant, cannot leave home without a spray lol. It doesnt effect the images nor does the ibuprofen gel as long rubbed in and absorbed before test. I normally start using the gel about 3 days beforehand once aday. Then if uncomfortable/pain a couple of days after.
Wish you well

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This information is very helpful.
I have my first mammogram in the 19 Dec.
It’s exactly 12 months since my last mammogram and diagnosis of breast cancer. This in itself is enough to cause my anxiety levels to sky rocket let alone the procedure itself which we all know is less than pleasant.
I had surgery and RT and despite being told I would be unlikely to have lymphoedema - I have got it and my breast can be quite tender some days. I will try the anti inflammatory creams and keep everything crossed it will help. I’m dreading the day and hoping no more biopsies and waiting over Christmas like last year.


I’m having my third post- op mammogram on 16th which is exactly 3 years since my first failed procedure . The waiting over Christmas that year for results was awful - last year they sent my results just a week after my mammogram and I hope they do the same again this year and I hope that everything goes well for you. Xx


Hi Helen
I’m glad the information was useful. I have had a check up with the lymphoedema service and they told me mammograms can have an effect on breast lymphoedema because they crush the lymph nodes near the surface of the breast.
It’s not good, but I find it useful to know why it has that effect.
I hope your results came back ok.
Have a lovely Christmas x

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