Mammogram recall post mastectomy

Hi everyone
I thought until yesterday I’d finished active treatment. Diagnosed Jan last year Er+ her2-, chemo, mastectomy, reconstruction and radiotherapy. I’m on letrozole and just started abemaciclib.
I went for my annual mammogram on my remaining breast a week ago and have been called back for an area of concern to be biopsied. I’m terrified and can’t bear the thought of having to put my young family through this again.
I’m not sure what I’m after here, words of advice and some wisdom from you wonderful people perhaps?
Is it likely to have bc in the other breast less than 6 months after finishing chemo? I know it’s possible…


Hi @tori123 I can understand how worrying this must be for you therefore I honestly think it would be a good idea for you to give the BCN nurses a call on 0808 800 6000 from 9am tomorrow. They have professional experience in these matters which we do not and I think it would help you to talk through your situation with them. They give you time and you can open up as well as get information. I do hope that this is a false alarm for you.

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Just to say that this happened to me when I was a year out. When I went back, they re looked on ultrasound and did another mammo. They couldn’t find it and thought it must have been a tiny overlap of skin or something and said recalls are not that uncommon.

I hope it is the same for you x


Hi and sorry that you have all of this fear again so soon. I had chemo ending June 2023 and had a routine end of treatment MR scan just before my final dose of 6 rounds of chemo. Imagine my shock when they sent me for needle aspiration of an area of concern on my other breast; I hadn’t even finished treatment! I struggled to understand how I could develop another cancer whilst having such heavy duty treatment. As they struggled to do the aspiration, I was sent for MR guided biopsy. Happily, they couldn’t find the area of concern and they concluded that it had been a cyst all along. I had a further MR scan 6 m later to double check and all was well. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s the same for you. As someone else said, many recalls end up being nothing.

All the best x