When you have the mammogram are both breasts examined or is it only the one? xx
When you have the mammogram are both breasts examined or is it only the one? xx
Both, even if you’ve had a reconstruction. Obviously if you’ve had a mastectomy there isn’t anything to look at so they can’t do anything on that side.
I had mine just before Christmas and while I was expecting it to really hurt, it was completely painless (had WLE and re-ex). It was an older woman doing it so I reckon she knows what it feels like herself so didn’t turn mine into a pair of pancakes.
Thank you ChoccieMuffin, couple of months to go yet for me, hope everything went well with you xx
Hi Stella.
am waiting for them to call me with appointment.
Ultrasound is not routine for lobular, Sheil. I have mammogram & contrast MRI after a lot of jumping up&down.
Hi Sarah
Please keep us posted… Sending big cyber hugs your way.
Stella X
Hi Stella,
will do.xxx
Am so glad to have found this thread…I had my 1st post treatment mammo thursday and received a letter this morning asking me to go for U/S on thursday and you can imagine the panic since.
I do suffer from Lymphodema in my breast as well so didn’t know if it was that or something more sinister and of course it’s Saterday so no BC nurse to talk to…am still very scared