Mammogram results - a year post surgery.

Hi all
Went for my mammogram on the 17th, been waiting for the results and just found the letter that must ghave arrived on Saturday. I’m worried sick now! I’m going to quote it word for word to see what you think of its content.
The radiologists hace recommended that you have some further pictures taken as there is an area in the left breast which they wish to look at more closely. It is likely that this is related to the previos operation area and just reflects changes from your surgery. The radiologists have graded it as “probably benign”.
They have asked that I arrange for you to have some further specialised mammograms
of the area and I have taken the liberty of booking these for you at …
Please can you tell me if you’ve been recalled and what the outcome was?
I’m so worried now!
Big hugs to all.
Stella XXX

Stella, please don’t worry. I think it’ve very common to be recalled. I go to a clinic where the mammograms are reviewed there and then and I was called back in “for another view on the other breast” whilst I was waiting to see the surgeon. Result? No problem whatsoever. I was told there were numerous reasons why they need to take another look, including the the flesh not being smoothed out enough.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Sal x

Thanks Sal, you have certainly reassured me.
Stella XXX


laurasue has posted a similar message on another thread:-

“One year on - worrying news”.

She has been called back for an ultrasound scan. I think it must be pretty common. They just want to be extra sure.

Ann x

Hi Stella,

Don’t stress, my one a year after surgery had loads of things on it! They could see fluid from the radiotherapy and there was lots of scar tissue. I think it’s normal for them to be over cautious as there is so much foe them to se in the scans now!
Take care and just think of it as you are getting an extra service check up,
Kind regards xxx

Hi Stella-I am now 4 years from dx and had to have an ultrasound after my 2 year mammo-it was a small cyst,the year before it was scar tissue.This year GP felt ‘thickening’ but mammo was normal.The thing is they compare each mammo with the year before and as this is your first since dx there will be differences.They wouldnt put in the word ‘benign’ if they weren’t pretty confident.
Love valxx

Hi Stella
I had first annual mammo at the start of July and then received a letter recalling me for a mammo on the other side. As you can imagine my heart sank. I went along and the person doing the mammo explained they needed to take compressions as something had shown up and they wanted a closer look. The doc who asked for the films was on holiday for 3 weeks but the considerate radiographer went off and asked someone to look. She came back and said ‘this is unofficial but the doctor says the anomaly disappeared on compression’. She explained that the breast tissue is mobile and so if it folds in or anything it shows on the mammo. I eventually got a letter confirming it was all good. Try not to worry - I think it is pretty common to get a recall.

Hello Stella
I know exactly how you feel as I was recalled after my first mammogram post surgery at the end of August. They wanted to complete my examination by doing an ultrasound on my right breast (the left was the affected breast)as a precaution. I was convinced this could only mean something awful again.
Happily it showed up an enlarged duct/poss cyst. Dr didn’t even want to do a biopsy. They do have to be so careful and if anything causes them any doubt at all they need to check it out. We should be grateful for that really, although it seems like the last thing we want.
Be confident they have mentioned the word benign, as they won’t use that unless they were sure of it.

Sending you lots of good vibes.

Chris (laurasue)

Hi ladies, i’m so sorry I have not replied before, but have moved house and do not have broadband at the moment. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you, you’ve no idea how much you have managed to reassure me and my husband.
Lots of love to all of you amazing women.
Stella xxx

Hi all, rec’d another letter telling me that I am having a core biopsy & US. Starting to feel that things are becoming a little bit more scary. If it is a fold in the skin or scar tissue why wld they be taking samples. I feel as if last yr is happening all over again. My appointment is at 10.30 on Monday. They’ve asked me 2 allow 2hrs for my appointment!! They told me I had cancer when they did my ultrasound, I’m so scared they’re going to tell me bad news. I’m so scared!
Big hugs

This happened to me at my 1 year post everything mammogram. I had the mammo then needed an ultrasound, then to my horror core biopsy. I was an absolute wreck and convinced it was back again, however, it was just scar tissue. The radiologist explained that she was 95% certain it was scar tissue from the mammo & u/s but because it was the first post op/treatment mammogram the only way they can be 100% is to stick a needle in. Also, your first mammogram is a base line post treatment one as the pre and post treatment ones are completely different. Hope this reassures you a bit and good luck with yours’


Thanx Jules, I can honestly say I’ve never felt as apprehensive about anything b4. You’ve made me feel a tad better. I shall be so relieved once tomorrow morning is over with. :slight_smile:
Big hugs

Jules, how long did you have 2 wait for the biopsy results?
Stella x

My doctor didn’t do a mammogram after 1 year. He said the results would not be very useful, and waited another six months!


Hi Jules & every1, fantastic news! All is well it was scar tissue.
Big hugs & thanks to all.

Bumping for Sarah 021210 xxx

Thanks MG
I didn’t think about bumping it. I blame the tamoxifen. :slight_smile:
Stella x

Thank you, has reassured me alot.xx

This forum really is a godsend to us all at one stage or another throughout our BC journey! :-))))

I’m so pleased that we’ve managed to reassure you 021210.

When is your hospital appointment?

Big hugs

Stella X

Glad to see this post. I’ve got my first year mammo tomorrow and not looking forward to it.

Does anyone know if I can expect an ultrasound as routine for lobular? I did have 3 areas in total but still had WLE’s, so I would feel better if they do a thorough investigation.