mammogram results

Have just been for my mammogram on left boob, 12 months after my diagnosis of dcis and subsequent mast on right boob. Radiographer did mammo and then gave me a piece of paper saying results would be 3 to 4 weeks, and asked me to wait while she checked they were okay, overheard her say to another radiographer what do you think of this? she then came out and said I would have result in week, am sweating over what this might mean anyone else been in this position. I am now a nervous wreck, and tearful to go with it. Just when I thought life was getting back to some sort of normality


oh dear, I hope it is not bad news. At least you won’t have to wait three to four weeks to know what is what. I’ve read that a lot of mammogram recalls are for further tests but most of them don’t turn out to be cancer. Good luck and let us know what the outcome is whatever it is


First of all I want to say how thoughtless and unprofessional of the radiographers to discuss your results with you within earshot and not elaborate. I would have gone back and asked what they meant and put them on the spot. However, don’t jump to conclusions. could be anything as Mole says. Health professionals often make throw away comments about nothing much but makes the poor patient frantic with worry. Not long to wait now


Ditto the comments about the radiographers being thoughtless and unprofessional.

How are things with you Sweetheart? I am hoping everything turned out to be okay.
