Mammogram van

Mammogram van in a car park earlier today.Felt tears,straight away,was Dx some years ago,on my first visit,then following being under my consultant for 11 yars,was allowed “back on the van” as routine,then Dx again,this time following failed implants,had DIEP,so no more mammograms.I realised how you think you are fine,but still a bit fragile !

Hi Jillybee 

Hope you are OK, I know you have had a long time on this road. I’m thinking it’s similar to other losses and memories can be brought back by all sorts of things, but sure the Mammovan is the Big One. I even got a jolt going past the car park where it parks up. …

With love Caroluna


 I’m 2 and a half weeks post MX and DIEP  and so far so good, just need very early nights xx

Yes Jillybee, think we remain fragile even though we might hide it better and feel we are coping.  I saw my van exactly year to the day I’d been diagnosed, but went across to say thank you to them for finding it as I had no lump - just my luck they were closed for lunch and had gone next time!  Wish you all the best and big hugs. :catvery-happy: xxx

Are we not all just a bit fragile,weepy,happy and lovely!!

thought I was a bit daft,but it is 3 years since diagnoses,and been a huge roller coaster,to say the least.

All the best you and gentle hugs.Am sure if we met up we would all cry,set each other off!!
