Mammogram Worry

I am 49 and have just been to have my first mammogram. Whilst the nurse was getting me in position for the second x-ray, I noticed the screen which had the picture of the earlier x-ray and noticed that the x-ray had a white blob about the size of 1 pence piece, in the middle of the breast.
I am now worried sick in case something has been found. I have not noticed anything untoward or different in my beasts. To make matters worse I have looked on the web and the normal mammograms do not look like mine!! :frowning:

it could well be a cyst, mine showed up as a white blob when i had one yrs ago cysts are nothing to worry about. dont look on the web google is a horrible thing and quite outdated scarey stuff is added for better impact … cysts tend to come and go sometimes without the need for any treatment xx

The other possibility is that it was someone else’s picture you were looking at!

I know waiting for results is a very worrying time, but if this was a routine screening rather than a referral, you are very likely to be ABSOLUTELY FINE. Even among people who are referred to the clinic as urgent patients, around 9 out of 10 referrals end up being NOT CANCER.

I don’t know the statistics on how many people have nothing to worry about with their first screening, perhaps one of the BCC mods will know the answer?

I hope that helps to reassure you, particularly regarding the stats. I definitely sympathise with your worries, but hope they prove to be unfounded.

Thanks very much for helping to ease my worry and putting things into perspective.
It was just a routine mammogram I was called for, so finger crossed, it won’t be anything to worry about x