
Hi all,

i have’nt used this site for almost 2 years since my treatment finished. i was diagnosed with triple negative bc, grade 3 no lymph node or lymvascular involemment or blood vessel involement in Jan 2008, i went on to have a lumpectomy, chemo and radio. I work as a district nurse and have two children now aged 8 and 5.
This might seem stupid but i just need some reassurance i had my mammo recently and i’m still awaiting the results, but i’ve seemed to dip a bit mentally, a friend who i went throu chemo with has recently been dx with bc secondaries in her liver and bones and its really knocked me back to the state that i’m scared,
i’ve been really positive up to know and could kick myself for feeling like this - is this normal sorry to be a pain

Hi Fairfield,

Welcome back to the forums. I’m sure you’ll get other users coming along soon to give you some much needed support, but while you’re waiting don’t forget the staff on the helpline are also here to support you through this. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000,do give them a ring, lines are open now and until 5pm tonight (Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2_

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Fairfield,

Sorry to hear about your friend. She must feel devastated at the moment. I think it must be natural for you to feel afraid. I’m half way through chemo at the moment, but it’s occured to me several times that I’ll feel fearful everytime I have a scan/check up in the future. Not knowing is the worst thing, so if you’re at all concerned I think you should talk to your GP. I know my brain goes into overdrive and I imagine every scenario! I think being a nurse probably doesn’t help…too much info and all that.
Hope this helps. It does amaze me how we manage to get through all this stuff and survive many low days along the way. Hang on in there. Karen xx

hiya Fairfield

sorry your having a wee wobble at the mo but i think its entirely understandable… none of us are superhuman and lots of things can knock us for six but with a friend getting mets that can be a real shocker… there is often no logic to who doesnt and who doesnt get mets… many folk with TNBC go on to live ling happy lives where thos with small hormone positive cancers may go on to get secondaries…

unfortunately there is no crystal ball to figure out who is most at risk :frowning:

i was diagnosed with a TNBC in may 2009 with no nodes but significant LVI, 3 years after having a ER+ve tumour and have subsequently found that i carry the BRCA2 gene… i was recalled from my annual mammogram… i had the mammo on the thurs and got called back on the monday to have a repeat mammo that thurs… so it was all very quickly done…

so although its frustrating for you having to wait i think if they havent been in touch straight away its actually more reassuring that they arent worried about your xrays.

Lulu xx

thank you all so much for your support it means so much xxxxx