
Hi All

Can anyone tell me when you get your next mammogram after treatment has finished. I was diagnosed in May with dcis and had right mast in Sept. follwed by three weeks of rads which finished in Dec. Have seen the onc and have to see him again in Oct and have appt with consultant in April but haven’t been told anything about a mammo


Hi Heather

I was dx Dec 06 (invasive lobular), surgery (WLE) Jan 07, rads March/April and tamoxifen. Once rads were completed I did not see onc again. I then saw consultant every 3 months and was told would have mammo 1 year after surgery which I had in January. Consultant then moved me to 6 monthly appointments with another mammo next Jan. If this is clear I will then move to yearly mammo and consultant appointment. I think many health authorities are different - I am under Sheffield. Maybe your breast care nurse would know.

Take care

Shorty x

Hi Heather,

I had my one year check up last month and was expecting a mammo from what I had read on here, but my authority only does them every 18 months, so I will have one in August.

My first mammo was exactly one year post surgery and they will be yearly for 5 years then[!!!]every 2 years for life.

Hi All

Thanks for your comments, I will ring my bc nurse and see what she says
